src/Aqarmap/Bundle/ListingBundle/Resources/views/Listing/listingDetailsList.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% set PRIMARY_ID_CONST = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\MarketPropertyTypes::PRIMARY')%}
  2. {% set PRIMARY_LABEL_CONST = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\MarketPropertyTypes::PRIMARY_LABEL')%}
  3. {% set RESALE_LABEL_CONST = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\MarketPropertyTypes::RESALE_LABEL')%}
  4. {% set listing_attributes = listing.getAttributesList() %}
  5. {% set country = get_setting('general', 'country') %}
  6. {% set hasPaymentMethod = listing.paymentMethod and not isListingForRent %}
  7. {% set showPricePerMeter = listing.price and listing.area and not isListingForRent %}
  8. <div class="listing-info-container listing-details-item">
  9.     <p class="section-title__header">
  10.         {{ 'listing.listing_details'|trans }}
  11.     </p>
  12.     <ul class="list-group">
  13.         {% if listing.area %}
  14.             <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  15.                 <span class="col-md-3 col-5"> {{ 'listing.sizes'|trans }} </span>
  16.                 <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  17.                     <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing.area|trans }} {{ get_setting('general', 'measurement_unit')|trans }}</span>
  18.                 </span>
  19.             </li>
  20.         {% endif %}
  21.         {% if listing.attributes|length > 0 %}
  22.             {% set listing_rooms = (listing_attributes["rooms"]) is defined ? getRoomsLabel(listing_attributes["rooms"]) : '' %}
  23.             {% if listing_rooms %}
  24.                 <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  25.                     <span class="col-md-3 col-5"> {{ 'listing.rooms'|trans }} </span>
  26.                     <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  27.                         <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing_rooms }}</span>
  28.                     </span>
  29.                 </li>
  30.             {% endif %}
  31.             {% set listing_baths = (listing_attributes["baths"]) is defined ? getRoomsLabel(listing_attributes["baths"]) : '' %}
  32.             {% if listing_baths %}
  33.                 <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  34.                     <span class="col-md-3 col-5"> {{ 'listing.baths'|trans }}</span>
  35.                     <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  36.                         <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing_baths }}</span>
  37.                     </span>
  38.                 </li>
  39.             {% endif %}
  40.             {% set listing_floor = (listing_attributes["floor"]) is defined ? getFloorLabel(listing_attributes["floor"])|trans : '' %}
  41.             {% if listing_floor %}
  42.                 <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  43.                     <span class="col-md-3 col-5">{{ 'listing.floor'|trans }}</span>
  44.                     <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  45.                         <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing_floor }}</span>
  46.                     </span>
  47.                 </li>
  48.             {% endif %}
  49.             {% set listing_finish_type = (listing_attributes["finish-type"]) is defined ? listing_attributes["finish-type"] : '' %}
  50.             {% if listing_finish_type %}
  51.                 <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  52.                     <span class="col-md-3 col-5"> {{ 'listing.finish-type'|trans }}</span>
  53.                     <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  54.                         <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing_finish_type|trans }}</span>
  55.                     </span>
  56.                 </li>
  57.             {% endif %}
  58.             {% if listing.propertyView %}
  59.                 <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  60.                     <span class="col-md-3 col-5">  {{ 'layout.property_view'|trans }} </span>
  61.                     <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  62.                         <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing.propertyViewLabel|trans }}</span>
  63.                     </span>
  64.                 </li>
  65.             {% endif %}
  66.             {% set listing_year_built = (listing_attributes["year-built"]) is defined ? listing_attributes["year-built"] : '' %}
  67.             {% set sectionId = %}
  68.             {% if listing_year_built and sectionId != forRent %}
  69.                 <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  70.                     <span class="col-md-3 col-5"> {{ 'listing.year-built'|trans }} </span>
  71.                     <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  72.                         <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing_year_built }}</span>
  73.                     </span>
  74.                 </li>
  75.             {% endif %}
  76.         {% endif %}
  77.         <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  78.             <span class="col-md-3 col-5"> {{ 'listing.listing_id'|trans }} </span>
  79.             <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  80.                 <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ get_setting('general', 'country') }}-{{ }}</span>
  81.             </span>
  82.         </li>
  83.         {% if showPricePerMeter %}
  84.             <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  85.                 <span class="col-md-3 col-5">  {{ 'listing.price_per_meter'|trans }} </span>
  86.                 <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  87.                     {% set unitPricePerMeter = get_setting('general', 'currency')|trans ~ "/" ~ get_setting('general', 'measurement_unit')|trans %}
  88.                     <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing.calculatePricePerMeter|number_format }} {{ unitPricePerMeter }}</span>
  89.                 </span>
  90.             </li>
  91.         {% endif %}
  92.         {% if hasPaymentMethod %}
  93.             <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  94.                 <span class="col-md-3 col-5">  {{ 'layout.payment_method'|trans }} </span>
  95.                 <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  96.                     <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing.paymentMethodLabel|trans }}</span>
  97.                 </span>
  98.             </li>
  99.         {% endif %}
  100.         <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  101.             <span class="col-md-3 col-5">  {{ 'listing.seller_role'|trans }} </span>
  102.             <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  103.                 <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing.sellerRoleLabel|trans }}</span>
  104.             </span>
  105.         </li>
  106.         {% if isEligibleForMortgage %}
  107.             {% set mortgageData = listing.eligibleForMortgageWithLabel %}
  108.             {% set mortgageDataLength = mortgageData|length %}
  109.             <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  110.                 <span class="col-md-3 col-5">  {{ ''|trans }} </span>
  111.                 <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  112.                     <span class="count badge badge-default">
  113.                         {% for data in mortgageData %}
  114.                             {% set comma = mortgageDataLength > 1 and loop.index != mortgageDataLength ? "," : "" %}
  115.                             {{data.title|trans }}
  116.                             {{comma}}
  117.                         {% endfor %}
  118.                     </span>
  119.                 </span>
  120.             </li>
  121.         {% endif %}
  122.         {% if listing.advertiserNumber and country == 'SA' %}
  123.             <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  124.                 <span class="col-md-3 col-5">  {{ 'listing.advertiser_number'|trans }} </span>
  125.                 <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  126.                     <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing.advertiserNumber }}</span>
  127.                 </span>
  128.             </li>
  129.         {% endif %}
  130.         {% if listing.authorizationNumber and country == 'SA' %}
  131.             <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  132.                 <span class="col-md-3 col-5">  {{ 'listing.authorization_number'|trans }} </span>
  133.                 <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  134.                     <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ listing.authorizationNumber }}</span>
  135.                 </span>
  136.             </li>
  137.         {% endif %}
  138.         {% if listing.marketPropertyType  %}
  139.             {% set typeInMarketLabel = listing.marketPropertyType ==  PRIMARY_ID_CONST ? 'listing.primary' : 'listing.resale'%}
  140.             <li class="list-group-item d-flex ">
  141.                 <span class="col-md-3 col-5">  {{ 'listing.market_property_type'|trans }} </span>
  142.                 <span class="col-md-9 col-7">
  143.                     <span class="count badge badge-default">{{ typeInMarketLabel|trans }}</span>
  144.                 </span>
  145.             </li>
  146.         {% endif %}
  147.     </ul>
  148. </div>