{% if get_setting('features', 'neighborhoods') %}
{% if listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood %}
{% if location_statistics %}
<section id='neighborhood_main_page' class="listing-details-item" >
<div id="neighborhood-statistics">
<div class="page-header">
<h3 class="section-title__header">
{{ 'neighborhoods.statistics_headline'|trans({'%location%': listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood.title}, 'messages') }}
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table" >
<thead >
{% for statistic in location_statistics %}
<th style="color:#fff;">{{ statistic.propertyType.title }}</th>
{% endfor %}
<tr class="statistic-block" >
<td><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.price_increase'|trans }}</p></td>
{% for statistic in location_statistics %}
{% if isEnabledFeature('web.disable.price.change') %}
{% else %}
{% if statistic.growth %}
<td><p>{{ statistic.growth }}%</p></td>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<tr class="statistic-block" >
<td><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.demand_level'|trans }}</p></td>
{% for statistic in location_statistics %}
{% if statistic.demandHeat %}
<td><p>{{ statistic.demandHeat }}%
{% if statistic.demandHeat <= 10 %}
(<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.very_low"|trans }}</small>)
{% elseif statistic.demandHeat > 10 and statistic.demandHeat < 40 %}
(<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.low"|trans }}</small>)
{% elseif statistic.demandHeat >= 40 and statistic.demandHeat < 70 %}
(<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.average"|trans }}</small>)
{% elseif statistic.demandHeat >= 70 and statistic.demandHeat < 90 %}
(<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.good"|trans }}</small>)
{% elseif statistic.demandHeat >= 90 %}
(<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.very_good"|trans }}</small>)
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<tr class="statistic-block" >
<td><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.average_ppm'|trans({'%currency%': get_setting('general', 'currency')|trans}) }}</p></td>
{% for statistic in location_statistics %}
{% if statistic.avgPrice %}
<td><span >{{ statistic.avgPrice|number_format }}</span></td>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
</table><!-- table -->
<div class="neighborhood-statistics-btns">
<div class="neighborhood-statistics-btn">
<a class="btn-lg btn-block know-more-btn btn-warning" target="_blank" href="{{ path('neighborhood_main_page', { 'location_slug' :listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood.slug }) }}" > {{ "neighborhoods.know_more_about"|trans({'%location%': listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood.title}, 'messages') }}</a>
<div class="neighborhood-statistics-btn">
<a class=" btn-block btn-primary genie-btn btn-lg" href="http://aqarmap.com/genie/" target="_blank">{{ "neighborhoods.genie_button"|trans({'%location%': listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood.title}, 'messages') }}</a>
</div><!-- end of #neighborhood-statistics -->
</section><!-- end of #neighborhood-statistics -->
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}