src/Aqarmap/Bundle/ListingBundle/Resources/views/Listing/listingNeighborhoodsSection.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% if get_setting('features', 'neighborhoods')  %}
  2.     {% if listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood %}
  3.         {% if location_statistics %}
  4.             <section  id='neighborhood_main_page' class="listing-details-item" >
  5.                 <div id="neighborhood-statistics">
  6.                     <div class="page-header">
  7.                         <h3 class="section-title__header">
  8.                             {{ 'neighborhoods.statistics_headline'|trans({'%location%': listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood.title}, 'messages') }}
  9.                         </h3>
  10.                     </div>
  11.                     <div>
  12.                         <div class="table-responsive">
  13.                             <table class="table" >
  14.                                 <thead >
  15.                                 <tr>
  16.                                     <th></th>
  17.                                     {% for statistic in location_statistics %}
  18.                                         <th style="color:#fff;">{{ statistic.propertyType.title  }}</th>
  19.                                     {% endfor %}
  20.                                 </tr>
  21.                                 </thead>
  22.                                 <tbody>
  23.                                 <tr class="statistic-block" >
  24.                                     <td><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.price_increase'|trans }}</p></td>
  25.                                     {% for statistic in location_statistics %}
  26.                                         {% if isEnabledFeature('web.disable.price.change') %}
  27.                                             <td><p>N/A</p></td>
  28.                                         {% else %}
  29.                                             {% if statistic.growth  %}
  30.                                                 <td><p>{{ statistic.growth }}%</p></td>
  31.                                             {% else %}
  32.                                                 <td>--</td>
  33.                                             {% endif %}
  34.                                         {% endif %}
  35.                                     {% endfor %}
  36.                                 </tr>
  37.                                 <tr class="statistic-block" >
  38.                                     <td><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.demand_level'|trans }}</p></td>
  39.                                     {% for statistic in location_statistics %}
  40.                                         {% if statistic.demandHeat %}
  41.                                             <td><p>{{ statistic.demandHeat }}%
  42.                                                     {% if statistic.demandHeat <= 10  %}
  43.                                                         (<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.very_low"|trans }}</small>)
  44.                                                     {% elseif statistic.demandHeat > 10 and statistic.demandHeat < 40  %}
  45.                                                         (<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.low"|trans }}</small>)
  46.                                                     {% elseif statistic.demandHeat >= 40 and statistic.demandHeat < 70 %}
  47.                                                         (<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.average"|trans }}</small>)
  48.                                                     {% elseif statistic.demandHeat >= 70 and statistic.demandHeat < 90 %}
  49.                                                         (<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.good"|trans }}</small>)
  50.                                                     {% elseif statistic.demandHeat >= 90  %}
  51.                                                         (<small style="color: #f38b00;">{{ "neighborhoods.heat.very_good"|trans }}</small>)
  52.                                                     {% endif %}
  53.                                                 </p></td>
  54.                                         {% else %}
  55.                                             <td>--</td>
  56.                                         {% endif %}
  57.                                     {% endfor %}
  58.                                 </tr>
  59.                                 <tr class="statistic-block" >
  60.                                     <td><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.average_ppm'|trans({'%currency%': get_setting('general', 'currency')|trans}) }}</p></td>
  61.                                     {% for statistic in location_statistics %}
  62.                                         {% if statistic.avgPrice %}
  63.                                             <td><span >{{ statistic.avgPrice|number_format }}</span></td>
  64.                                         {% else %}
  65.                                             <td>--</td>
  66.                                         {% endif %}
  67.                                     {% endfor %}
  68.                                 </tr>
  69.                                 </tbody>
  70.                             </table><!-- table -->
  71.                         </div>
  72.                     </div>
  73.                     <div class="neighborhood-statistics-btns">
  74.                         <div class="neighborhood-statistics-btn">
  75.                             <a class="btn-lg btn-block know-more-btn btn-warning" target="_blank" href="{{ path('neighborhood_main_page', { 'location_slug' :listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood.slug }) }}" > {{ "neighborhoods.know_more_about"|trans({'%location%': listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood.title}, 'messages') }}</a>
  76.                         </div>
  77.                         <div class="neighborhood-statistics-btn">
  78.                             <a class=" btn-block btn-primary  genie-btn btn-lg" href="" target="_blank">{{ "neighborhoods.genie_button"|trans({'%location%': listing.location.getNearestNeighborhood.title}, 'messages') }}</a>
  79.                         </div>
  80.                     </div>
  81.                 </div><!-- end of #neighborhood-statistics -->
  82.             </section><!-- end of #neighborhood-statistics -->
  83.         {% endif %}
  84.     {% endif %}
  85.     {% endif %}