{# Constants #}
{% set FIRST_LISTING_FOR_FREE_LISTING_CATEGORY = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingCategories::FIRST_LISTING_FOR_FREE') %}
{% set EBAWAB_LISTING_CATEGORY = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingCategories::EBAWAB') %}
{% set UNLIMITED_LISTING_CATEGORY = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingCategories::UNLIMITED') %}
{% set PAID_LISTING_CATEGORY = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingCategories::PAID') %}
{% set PROJECT_LISTING_CATEGORY = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingCategories::PROJECTS') %}
{% set SCRAPPED_LISTING_CATEGORY = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingCategories::SCRAPPED') %}
{% set SPONSORED_TYPE = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingFeaturedTypes::SPONSORED') %}
{% set FEATURE_TYPE = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingFeaturedTypes::FEATURED') %}
{% set PREMIUM_CONSTANT = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingFeaturedTypes::PREMIUM') %}
{% set SPOTLIGHT_CONSTANT = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingFeaturedTypes::SPOTLIGHT') %}
{% set SOLD_BY_OWNER_TYPE = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingFeaturedTypes::SOLD_BY_OWNER') %}
{% set SOLD_BY_OWNER_SPONSORED_TYPE = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingFeaturedTypes::SOLD_BY_OWNER_SPONSORED') %}
{% set SCRAPPED_LISTING_CATEGORY = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingCategories::SCRAPPED') %}
{% set SHOW_PHONE_CONSTANT = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\LeadTypes::SHOW_PHONE') %}
{% set SEND_WHATSAPP_CONSTANT = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\LeadTypes::WHATSAPP') %}
{% set CALL_REQUEST_CONSTANT = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\LeadTypes::CALL_REQUEST') %}
{% set TOP_VIEWED_CONST = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingLabel::TOP_VIEWED') %}
{% set TOP_FAVOURITAED_CONST = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingLabel::TOP_FAVORITE') %}
{% set VALID_PRICE_CONST = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\ListingLabel::VALID_PRICE') %}
{# Toggles #}
{% set isEnabledSearchResultsActivity = (isEnabledFeature('web.activity.app') and isEnabledFeature('web.search.results.activities')) %}
{% set isTopCustomerListingsPage = app.request.attributes.get('_route') == 'aqarmap_user_listings' %}
{% set hideCtaButtons = hideCta is defined and hideCta %}
{% set isCtaButtonsEnabled = isEnabledFeature('listing_card.lead.button') and not hideCtaButtons %}
{% set showCtaButtons = isCtaButtonsEnabled %}
{% set isEnabledElasticScoringDebug = elasticScoringDebug is defined and elasticScoringDebug and app.request.get('esdebug') %}
{# inFeed #}
{% set inFeedAdAppearance = 6 %}
{% set isInFeedAdAappeared = false %}
{% set scrappedUserName = "Aqarmap" %}
{# user logo macro #}
{% macro userLogo(imgLink, disableLazyLoadImgIndex, listingUserPhotoSize, listingId, classList = "") %}
<div class="search-listing-card__logo {{ classList }}">
{% if disableLazyLoadImgIndex %}
src="{{ imgLink }}"
{% else %}
data-src="{{ imgLink }}"
{% endif %}
width="{{ listingUserPhotoSize }}"
height="{{ listingUserPhotoSize }}"
alt="user-logo-{{ listingId }}"
{% endmacro %}
{% for listing in listings %}
{% if agent is defined %}
{% set listing = listing['listing'] %}
{% endif %}
{# Listing Toggles #}
{% set isCompoundSearchResultsCard = isCompoundSearchResults is defined ? isCompoundSearchResults : false %}
{% set isVerified = ((listing.featured == SPONSORED_TYPE) or (listing.featured == SPOTLIGHT_CONSTANT)) and isEnabledFeature('web.show.verified.sign') %}
{% set isEligibleForMortgage = isEnabledFeature('web.mortgage.options') and listing.isMortgageApproved %}
{% set isSponsoredCard = loop.index == 1 and not topSellersResults and not isRelatedResults and (listing.featured == SPONSORED_TYPE or listing.featured == SOLD_BY_OWNER_SPONSORED_TYPE) %}
{% set isListingPhotosDefined = listingPhotos[listing.id] is defined and listingPhotos[listing.id].main is defined %}
{% set isListingLogoDefined = listingPhotos[listing.id] is defined and listingPhotos[listing.id].logo is defined %}
{% set disableLazyLoadImgIndex = loop.index in [1, 2] %}
{% set searchedByOneLocation = isSearchedByOneLocation is defined and isSearchedByOneLocation %}
{% if not isCompoundSearchResultsCard %}
{% set isPricesWidgetListingTypes = not defaultResults and not topSellersResults and searchedByOneLocation %}
{% set mobileFeedadsScreenLocation = loop.index == inFeedAdAppearance %}
{% set isMobileFeedadsToggledOn = isEnabledFeature('web.search.mobile.feedads') and isMobile and isUXVersion %}
{% set isFeedAdsWithinListingTypes = not defaultResults and not isInFeedAdAappeared %}
{% set showMobileFeedads = isMobileFeedadsToggledOn and isFeedAdsWithinListingTypes and mobileFeedadsScreenLocation %}
{% endif %}
{# Listing Vars #}
{% set listingCategory = listing.category %}
{% set urlSource = app.request.query.get("source") ? app.request.query.get("source") : ''%}
{% set containerSource = source is defined ? source : null %}
{% set leadSources = containerSource ? [containerSource] : [urlSource] %}
{% set financeFeatureValue = get_setting('features', 'finance_service') %}
{% set isRelatedToMainListing = isRelatedToListing is defined ? isRelatedToListing : false %}
{% set mainListingObj = (isRelatedToMainListing and mainListing is defined) ? mainListing : {} %}
{% if isEnabledFeature('listing_card.lead.button') %}
{% set listingPhones = isEnabledFeature('listing_user_phones') ? listing.phones : listing.listingPhones %}
{% else %}
{% set listingPhones = [] %}
{% endif %}
{% set listingPhone = null %}
{% if listingPhones is not empty %}
{% set listingPhone = listingPhones|first %}
{% endif %}
{% if listing.slug %}
{% set LISTING_URL = isRelatedResults ? path("listing_slug", {id: listing.id, slug: listing.slug}|merge({'relatedseaarchlisting': true})) : path("listing_slug", {id: listing.id, slug: listing.slug}) %}
{% else %}
{% set LISTING_URL = isRelatedResults ? path('listing_view', {'id': listing.id}|merge({'relatedseaarchlisting': true})) : path('listing_view', {'id': listing.id}) %}
{% endif %}
{% if isRelatedToMainListing %}
{% set LISTING_URL = LISTING_URL ~ '?source=listing-related' %}
{% endif %}
{% set relatedListingAnalytics = isRelatedResults ? 'gtm-btn-related-result-listing-click' : '' %}
{% set relatedListingClass = isRelatedResults ? 'related-listing__card' : '' %}
{% set searchListingCardClass = isTopPicksResults is defined and isTopPicksResults ? 'search-listing-card top-picks-card' : 'search-listing-card search-listing-card_mb-xl' %}
{% set listingEvents = [{'isFired':isVerified , 'trigger': 'gtm-btn-verified-listing-click' }] %}
{% set listingPhotoSize = 110 %}
{% set iconSize = 24 %}
{% set listingUserPhotoSize = 32 %}
{% set neighborhoodAppearance = 9 %}
{% set isExcludeWhatsappFromListing = isEnabledFeature('web.whatsapp.chat.exclude') and listing.getIsExcludedFromWhatsApp %}
{% set acceptedWhatsAppFeature = not isExcludeWhatsappFromListing or not isEnabledFeature('web.whatsapp.chat.exclude') %}
{% set isEnabledSendByWhatsapp = isEnabledFeature('web.whats.app.chat') and acceptedWhatsAppFeature %}
{% if isEnabledSendByWhatsapp %}
{% if (listing.user.getWhatsAppNumber) %}
{% set whatsAppNumber = listing.user.getWhatsAppNumber.getPhone.getNumber %}
{% endif %}
{% set hasWhatsapp = listing.user.getWhatsAppNumber %}
{% else %}
{% set hasWhatsapp = false %}
{% endif %}
{% set callBtnClass = not hasWhatsapp ? 'big': '' %}
{% set callBtnText = not hasWhatsapp ? 'listing.show_seller_phone'|trans : "" %}
{% set isProject = listingCategory == PROJECT_LISTING_CATEGORY %}
{% set projectListingChild = listing.parent != null %}
{% set notProjectListing = not isProject and not projectListingChild %}
{% set strictQuickRegistration = get_setting('features', 'strict_to_quick_registration') %}
{% set autoShowPhone = not strictQuickRegistration and notProjectListing %}
{% set isSoldByOwnerType = listing.featured == SOLD_BY_OWNER_TYPE or listing.featured == SOLD_BY_OWNER_SPONSORED_TYPE %}
{% set listing_attributes = listing.getAttributesList() %}
{% set listing_rooms = (listing_attributes["rooms"]) is defined ? getRoomsLabel(listing_attributes["rooms"]) : '' %}
{% set listing_baths = (listing_attributes["baths"]) is defined ? getBathsLabel(listing_attributes["baths"]) : '' %}
{% set backgroundClass = 'listing-phone-container_bg-white listing-phone-container_number-gray'%}
{% set cardGridSize = cardGridSize is defined ? cardGridSize : 'col-sm-6 col-12' %}
{% set showPhotosCount = disablePhotosCount is not defined or not disablePhotosCount %}
{% set sellerName = '' %}
{% set listingUser = listing.user %}
{% set sellerName = listingUser.fullName %}
{% set userLogo = listingUser.logo ? listingUser.logo.file : null %}
{% set logo = listing.validUserLogo %}
{% set sellerLogo = logo ? logo : userLogo %}
{% set sellerUrl = path('aqarmap_user_listings', {'id': listingUser.id})%}
{% set joinedData = listingUser.createdAt|date('Y')%}
{% set activeListingsCount = liveListingsPerUser[listing.user.id] is defined ? liveListingsPerUser[listing.user.id] : 0 %}
{% set leadsCount = listingUser.getClientServedCount() %}
{% set encodedSellerPhones = []%}
{% for phone in listingPhones %}
{% set encodedSellerPhones = encodedSellerPhones | merge([{'number': phone.number|phoneNumberEncode}]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% set listingLabelType = listing.label %}
{% set isListingTopPicks = listing.isTopPicks %}
{% set allowListingLabel = isSearchResultsPage and not isListingTopPicks %}
{% set isTopFavourited = listingLabelType == TOP_FAVOURITAED_CONST %}
{% set isValidPrice = listingLabelType == VALID_PRICE_CONST %}
{% set isTopViewed = listingLabelType == TOP_VIEWED_CONST %}
{% set labelLeadSource = '' %}
{% if isTopFavourited %}
{% set labelLeadSource = 'top-favourite' %}
{% set leadSources = leadSources|merge([labelLeadSource]) %}
{% elseif isValidPrice %}
{% set labelLeadSource = 'valid-price' %}
{% set leadSources = leadSources|merge([labelLeadSource]) %}
{% elseif isTopViewed %}
{% set labelLeadSource = 'top-viewed' %}
{% set leadSources = leadSources|merge([labelLeadSource]) %}
{% endif %}
{% set listingPrice = listing.price ?? null %}
{% set listingFeatured = listing.featured %}
{% set isSpotLight = listingFeatured == SPOTLIGHT_CONSTANT %}
{% set isSponserd = listingFeatured == SPONSORED_TYPE %}
{% set isPremium = listingFeatured == PREMIUM_CONSTANT %}
{% set isFeatured = listingFeatured == FEATURE_TYPE %}
{% set isPaid = listingCategory == PAID_LISTING_CATEGORY %}
{% set isScrapped = listingCategory == SCRAPPED_LISTING_CATEGORY %}
{% set isEBawab = listingCategory == EBAWAB_LISTING_CATEGORY %}
{% set isUnlimited = listingCategory == UNLIMITED_LISTING_CATEGORY %}
{% set isFlf2 = listingCategory == FIRST_LISTING_FOR_FREE_LISTING_CATEGORY %}
{# Compounds Listing Vars #}
{% if isCompoundSearchResultsCard %}
{% set compoundAveragePrices = listing.compoundAveragePrices is defined ? listing.compoundAveragePrices : [] %}
{% set isCompoundAveragePrices = compoundAveragePrices is not empty %}
{% set showCompoundAveragePrices = false %}
{% set compoundField = listing.CompoundField ? listing.CompoundField :{} %}
{% set isEnabledDdeveloperCardData = isCompoundSearchResultsCard and isEnabledFeature('web.developer.card.data') %}
{% set isCompoundPlannerPage = isCompoundPlanner is defined and isCompoundPlanner %}
{% set elasticScore = isCompoundPlannerPage ? listing.compoundElasticScore|round(2, 'floor') : null %}
{% set compoundPrice = listing.CompoundField ? listing.CompoundField.minPrice : null %}
{% set listingPrice = compoundPrice ?? listingPrice %}
{% endif %}
{# gtm events variables #}
{% set leadSourcePage = leadSourcePage is defined ? leadSourcePage : "search_results"%}
{% set propertySectionSlug = isProject ? "projects" : section is defined ? section.slug: listing.section.slug %}
{% set propertyCategory = isProject ? "projects" : isScrapped ? "scrapped" :
isPaid ? "paid" : isEBawab ? "bawab" : isUnlimited ? "unlimited" :
isFlf2 ? "flf2" : "free" %}
{% set depthProduct = isFeatured ? "featured" : isPremium ? "premium" :
isSponserd ? "sponsored": isSpotLight ? "spotlight" : "regular" %}
{% set insideCompound = isProject or listing.parent != null %}
<div id="{{listing.id}}" class="{{ cardGridSize }} {{relatedListingClass}} {{searchListingCardClass}}"
ng-init='setSourceRoute("{{ app.request.attributes.get('_route') }}");'
itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/SingleFamilyResidence">
<div class="search-listing-card__container" ng-content-loaded
"section": "{{listing.section.id}}",
"sellerPhones": {{encodedSellerPhones|serialize('json')}},
"sellerPhone": "{{hasWhatsapp ? whatsAppNumber|phoneNumberEncode : listingPhone ? listingPhone.number|phoneNumberEncode : "" }}",
"userEmail": {{currentUserEmail|json_encode()}},
"financeFeatureValue": "{{financeFeatureValue}}",
"listingName" : {{listing.customSlug|default(listing.id)|serialize()}},
"listingTitle" : {{listing.title|serialize()}},
"listingUser": {
"sellerName" : {{sellerName|serialize()}},
"sellerLogo": "",
"sellerUrl": "{{sellerUrl}}",
"activeListingsCount": "{{activeListingsCount}}",
<div class="search-listing-card__wrapper">
<a class="search-listing-card__container__link {{ relatedListingAnalytics }}"
onclick="elementEvents.fireGTM( 'listingId',{{ listing.id }}, {{ listingEvents|json_encode() }})"
href="{{ LISTING_URL }}"></a>
<div class="search-listing-card__labels">
{% if isUserHasActiveSubscription %}
{% if listing.featured == PREMIUM_CONSTANT %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_sponsored">
{{ 'search_results.premium_small'|trans }}
{% elseif listing.featured == SPOTLIGHT_CONSTANT %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_sponsored">
{{ 'search_results.spotlight'|trans }}
{% elseif listing.featured == SPONSORED_TYPE %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_sponsored">
{{ 'search_results.sponsored'|trans }}
{% elseif isCompoundSearchResultsCard and listing.featured %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_sponsored">
{{ 'search_results.featured_small'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% if listing.featured == FEATURE_TYPE %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_featured">
{{ 'search_results.featured_capital'|trans }}
{% elseif isSoldByOwnerType %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_featured">
{{ 'search_results.sold_by_owner'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if isVerified %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_verified">
{{ 'search_results.verified'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% if isEligibleForMortgage %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_mortgage">
{{ 'search_results.is_mortgage'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% if isRelatedToMainListing %}
<span class="search-listing-card__labels_card search-listing-card__labels_card_featured">
{{ getSimilarLabel(mainListingObj, listing)|trans }}
{% endif %}
<div class="search-listing-card__img embed-responsive embed-responsive-4by3">
<div class="search-listing-card__img__wrapper embed-responsive-item">
{% if isListingPhotosDefined %}
{% if disableLazyLoadImgIndex %}
<source srcset="{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(listingPhotos[listing.id].main.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb-webp') }}"
<source srcset="{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(listingPhotos[listing.id].main.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb') }}"
alt="{{ listing.title|excludeNumbers }}"
width="{{ listingPhotoSize }}" height="{{ listingPhotoSize }}"
fetchpriority="high" />
{% else %}
<source data-srcset="{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(listingPhotos[listing.id].main.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb-webp') }}"
<source data-srcset="{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(listingPhotos[listing.id].main.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb') }}"
alt="{{ listing.title|excludeNumbers }}"
width="{{ listingPhotoSize }}" height="{{ listingPhotoSize }}"
fetchpriority="low" />
{% endif %}
{% elseif listing.mainPhoto %}
{% if disableLazyLoadImgIndex %}
<source srcset="{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(listing.mainPhoto.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb-webp') }}"
<source srcset="{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(listing.mainPhoto.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb') }}"
alt="{{ listing.title|excludeNumbers }}"
width="{{ listingPhotoSize }}" height="{{ listingPhotoSize }}"
fetchpriority="high" />
{% else %}
<source data-srcset="{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(listing.mainPhoto.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb-webp') }}"
<source data-srcset="{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(listing.mainPhoto.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb') }}"
alt="{{ listing.title|excludeNumbers }}"
width="{{ listingPhotoSize }}" height="{{ listingPhotoSize }}"
fetchpriority="low" />
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="search-listing-card__img__no-photo">{{ 'layout.no_listing_photo'|trans }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if showPhotosCount %}
<div class="search-listing-card__img__thumbnail search-listing-card__img__thumbnail_bottom">
<div class="search-listing-card__img__count">
<span class="fa fa-image"></span>
{% if listingPhotosCount[listing.id] is defined %}
{{ listingPhotosCount[listing.id] }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="search-listing-card__details">
{% if app.request.attributes.get("_route") != 'aqarmap_user_listings' %}
{% if isListingLogoDefined %}
{{ _self.userLogo(
custom_vich_uploader_asset(listingPhotos[listing.id].logo.file, 'file') | thumbnail('logo'),
) }}
{% elseif listing.validUserLogo %}
{{ _self.userLogo(
custom_vich_uploader_asset(listing.validUserLogo, 'file') | thumbnail('logo'),
) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="search-listing-card__details__wrapper" >
{% if isCompoundSearchResultsCard %}
{% if elasticScore is defined and elasticScore %}
{% if elasticScore > 80 %}
<div class="matching-score matching-score_high" role="alert">{{ elasticScore }}% {{ 'listing.compounds_adviser.matching'|trans }}
{% elseif elasticScore < 40 %}
<div class="matching-score matching-score_low" role="alert">{{ elasticScore }}% {{ 'listing.compounds_adviser.matching'|trans }}
{% else %}
<div class="matching-score matching-score_mid" role="alert">{{ elasticScore }}% {{ 'listing.compounds_adviser.matching'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="search-listing-card__compound-title">
<span> {{ listing.title|fixArabicNumbers|raw }}</span>
<p class="search-listing-card__address search-listing-card__address_compound">
alt="{{ listing.address }}"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
<span> {{ listing.address }} </span>
{% if showCompoundAveragePrices %}
<div class="search-listing-card__units__wrapper">
{% if isCompoundAveragePrices%}
{% include '@AqarmapListingBundle/Listing/compoundAveragePrices.html.twig' with {'units': compoundAveragePrices} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="search-listing-card__starting-price">
{% if listingPrice %}
{{ 'listing.starting_from'|trans }}
<span class="integer">{{ listingPrice |number_format }}</span>
<span>{{ get_setting('general', 'currency')|trans }}</span>
{% elseif listing.section.searchable %}
{{ 'listing.call_for_price'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if allowListingLabel %}
<div class="search-listing-card__best-label">
{% if isValidPrice %}
<img fetchpriority="low" width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
src="{{ asset('images/picks/ic_money_blue.svg') }}" alt="{{'listing.valid_price'|trans }}" />
{{'listing.valid_price'|trans }}
{% elseif isTopViewed %}
<img fetchpriority="low" width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
src="{{ asset('images/picks/analytics-arrow-up_blue.svg') }}" alt="{{'listing.top_viewed'|trans }}" />
{{'listing.top_viewed'|trans }}
{% elseif isTopFavourited %}
<img fetchpriority="low" width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
src="{{ asset('images/picks/ic_heart_blue.svg') }}" alt="{{'listing.top_favourite'|trans }}" />
{{'listing.top_favourite'|trans }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="search-listing-card__price">
{% if listing.price %}
<span class="integer">{{ listing.price|number_format }}</span>
<span class="mx-2">{{ get_setting('general', 'currency')|trans }}</span>
{% elseif listing.section.searchable %}
{{ 'listing.call_for_price'|trans }}
{% endif %}
<h2 class="search-listing-card__title">
{{ listing.title|fixArabicNumbers|raw }}
<p class="search-listing-card__address" >
alt="{{ listing.address }}"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
<span>{{ listing.address }}</span>
<div class="search-listing-card__attributes">
<label class="search-listing-card__attributes_item">
alt="Listing attributes"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
{{ listing.area}} {{ get_setting('general', 'measurement_unit')|trans }}
{% if listing_attributes|length > 0 %}
{% if listing_rooms %}
<label class="search-listing-card__attributes_item">
alt="Listing attributes"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
{{ listing_rooms }}
{% endif %}
{% if listing_baths %}
<label class="search-listing-card__attributes_item">
alt="Listing attributes"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
{{ listing_baths }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if isEnabledDdeveloperCardData is defined and isEnabledDdeveloperCardData %}
<div class="search-listing-card__user-properties__container">
<hr class="desktop-separator">
<div class="search-listing-card__user-properties user-properties-container">
{% include '@AqarmapListingBundle/Listing/compoundCardDeveloperData.html.twig' with {'compound': compoundField} %}
{% endif %}
{% if showCtaButtons %}
<div class="search-listing-card__footer">
<hr class="desktop-separator">
<div class="search-listing-card__cta w-100">
{% if listingPhones is not empty and not listing.isCallRequest %}
{% if hasWhatsapp %}
<button aria-label="text seller by whatsapp"
class="search-listing-card__cta-button search-listing-card__cta-button_whatsapp whatsapp big"
leadType:'whatsapp' ,
actionType:'{{ SEND_WHATSAPP_CONSTANT }}' ,
{# listingType: {{leadSources|serialize('json')}} , #}
propertySection: '{{propertySectionSlug}}' ,
propertyCategory: '{{propertyCategory}}',
leadSourcePage: '{{leadSourcePage}}' ,
depthProduct: '{{depthProduct}}',
listingId: '{{ listing.id }}' ,
insideCompound : '{{insideCompound}}'
alt="{{ 'label.lead.whatsApp'|trans }}"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
{{ 'label.lead.whatsApp'|trans }}
<div class="vertical-separator"></div>
{% endif %}
{% set phoneBtnClass = 'search-listing-card__cta-button search-listing-card__cta-button_call ' ~ callBtnClass %}
<button class="{{ phoneBtnClass }}" aria-label="show seller phone"
submit-text="{{ 'listing.show_seller_phone'|trans }}"
ng-click="searchActionType = 'showNumber';
leadType:'call' ,
actionType:'{{ SHOW_PHONE_CONSTANT }}' ,
leadSourcePage: '{{leadSourcePage}}' ,
propertySection: '{{propertySectionSlug}}' ,
propertyCategory: '{{propertyCategory}}',
depthProduct: '{{depthProduct}}',
{# listingType: {{leadSources|serialize('json')}} , #}
listingId: '{{ listing.id }}' ,
insideCompound : '{{insideCompound}}'
data-gtm-listing-id="{{ listing.id }}">
alt="{{ 'listing.show_seller_phone'|trans }}"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
<span class="cta-button-text"> {{ 'listing.show_seller_phone'|trans }}</span>
<button class="{{ phoneBtnClass }}" aria-label="seller phone"
alt="{{ 'listing.show_seller_phone'|trans }}"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
<span class="cta-button-text"> {{ 'listing.show_seller_phone'|trans }}</span>
{% else %}
<button aria-label="request seller call"
class="search-listing-card__cta-button search-listing-card__cta-button_call-request big m-0"
ng-click="searchActionType = 'sendRequest';
leadType:'request_call' ,
actionType:'{{ CALL_REQUEST_CONSTANT }}' ,
{# listingType: {{leadSources|serialize('json')}} , #}
leadSourcePage: '{{leadSourcePage}}' ,
propertySection: '{{propertySectionSlug}}' ,
propertyCategory: '{{propertyCategory}}',
depthProduct: '{{depthProduct}}',
listingId: '{{ listing.id }}' ,
insideCompound : '{{insideCompound}}'
alt="{{ 'label.lead.call_request'|trans }}"
width="{{ iconSize }}" height="{{ iconSize }}"
<span ng-hide="callRequested[{{listing.id}}]" class="cta-button-text"> {{ 'label.lead.call_request'|trans }} </span>
<button aria-label="seller call requested"
class="search-listing-card__cta-button big success ng-hide"
type= "button"
<i class="fa fa-check circle-badge success"></i>
<span class="mx-1"> {{ 'label.lead.call_requested'|trans }} </span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{# elastic scoring debug #}
{% if isEnabledElasticScoringDebug %}
{% include "@AqarmapListing/ListingSearch/listingElasticScore.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% if showMobileFeedads is defined and showMobileFeedads %}
<div class="text-center col-12 visible-sm visible-xs" style="margin-bottom: 24px;">
{% if get_setting('general', 'country') == 'SA' %}
<div id='div-gpt-ad-1611049193067-0' style='width: 320px; height: 320px; margin: 0 auto 10px;'>
setTimeout(function() {
if (typeof googletag !== 'undefined') {
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1611049193067-0'); });
}, 3000);
{% else %}
<div id='div-gpt-ad-1588541966744-0' style='width: 320px; height: 320px; margin: 0 auto 10px;'>
<script type="application/javascript" v-pre defer>
setTimeout(function() {
if (typeof googletag !== 'undefined') {
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1588541966744-0'); });
}, 3000);
{% endif %}
{% set isInFeedAdAappeared = true %}
{% endif %}
{% set listingPhoto = isListingPhotosDefined ? custom_vich_uploader_asset(listingPhotos[listing.id].main.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb-webp') : listing.mainPhoto ? custom_vich_uploader_asset(listing.mainPhoto.file, 'file')|thumbnail('search-thumb-webp') : "" %}
{% block headScripts %}
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "SingleFamilyResidence",
"name" : "{{listing.title}}",
"image": "{{listingPhoto}}",
"url": "{{ absolute_url(LISTING_URL) }}",
"address": {
"@type": "PostalAddress",
"name": "{{ listing.location.title }}"
"geo": {
"@type": "GeoCoordinates",
"latitude": "{{ listing.location.centerLat }}",
"longitude": "{{ listing.location.centerLng }}"
"floorSize": {
"@type": "QuantitativeValue",
"value": "{{ listing.area }}"
{% endblock %}
{% endfor %}