src/Aqarmap/Bundle/NeighborhoodBundle/Resources/views/Default/index.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. {% extends "base.html.twig" %}
  2. {% form_theme quick_registration_form 'Form/form_div_layout.html.twig' %}
  3. {% set canonical_url = url(app.request.get('_route'), app.request.get('_route_params')) %}
  4. {% set SEND_MESSAGE_CONSTANT = constant('Aqarmap\\Bundle\\ListingBundle\\Constant\\LeadTypes::SEND_MESSAGE') %}
  5. {# Page title #}
  6. {% block title %} {{ "%s - %s | %s"|format(location.title, 'neighborhoods.prices_guide'|trans, 'layout.app_name'|trans) }}{% endblock %}
  7. {# Meta Description #}
  8. {% block meta_description %}{{ location.description }}{% endblock %}
  9. {% block htmlhead %}
  10.     <link rel="alternate" hreflang="ar" href="{{ url(app.request.get('_route'), app.request.get('_route_params')|merge({'_locale': 'ar'})) }}" />
  11.     <link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="{{ url(app.request.get('_route'), app.request.get('_route_params')|merge({'_locale': 'en'})) }}" />
  12.     <link rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default"
  13.         href="{{ url(app.request.get('_route'), app.request.get('_route_params')|merge({'_locale': 'ar'})) }}"/>
  14.     <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
  15.     <meta name="twitter:site" content="{{ "%s%s"|format('@', 'layout.app_name'|trans) }}" />
  16.     <meta name="twitter:creator" content="{{ "%s%s"|format('@', 'layout.app_name'|trans) }}" />
  17.     <meta property="og:title" content="{{ "%s.%s.%s"|format('layout.app_name'|trans, 'neighborhoods.prices_guide'|trans, location.title) }}"/>
  18.     <meta property="og:description" content="{{ 'neighborhoods.sharing.description_location'|trans({'%location%': location.title}) }}" />
  19.     <meta property="og:image" content="{% if location.mainPhoto %}{{ custom_vich_uploader_asset(location.mainPhoto.file, 'file') | thumbnail('large')}}{% endif %}" />
  20.     <meta property="og:url" content="{{ url('neighborhood_main_page', {'location_slug': location.slug}) }}" />
  21.     <meta property="og:site_name" content="{{ 'layout.app_name'|trans }}" />
  22.     <meta property="fb:app_id" content="{{ facebook_app_id }}"/>
  23.     {% if location.disabled %}
  24.         <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
  25.     {% endif %}
  26.     <link rel="canonical" href="{{ canonical_url }}"/>
  27. {% endblock %}
  28. {% block body %}
  29.     {% set sharingEvent = "neighborhood" %}
  30.     {% set topSellerTrigger = 'gtm-action-topsellers-lead-price-guide' %}
  31.     {% set topSellerEventAction = 'Top Sellers Price Guide' %}
  32.     <section id="{{ app.request.get('_route') }}">
  33.         <div class="container">
  34.             <div class="row">
  35.                 <div class="col-md-12 hidden-xs">
  36.                     <div class="pull-left flip">
  37.                         {% if location.compoundFilter %}
  38.                             {% set compound = 1  %}
  39.                         {% else %}
  40.                             {% set compound = null  %}
  41.                         {% endif %}
  42.                         {% set neighborhood_breadcrumb = knp_menu_get( 'aqarmap.neighborhood.breadcrumb' , [], {"location": location , "compound": compound}) %}
  43.                         {{ knp_menu_render(neighborhood_breadcrumb , {
  44.                             'allow_safe_labels': true,
  45.                             'template': 'knp_breadcrumbs.html.twig',
  46.                             'currentAsLink': true,
  47.                             'currentClass': 'active'
  48.                         }) }}
  49.                     </div>
  50.                     <div class="pull-right flip">
  51.                         {% if app.user %}
  52.                             {% if  subscribedUser %}
  53.                                 <a  id="un-subscribe-btn" class="btn" href="{{ path('neighbourhood_remove_subscriber', {'location':}) }}"> {{ "neighborhoods.unsubscribe"|trans }}</a>
  54.                             {% else %}
  55.                                 <a id="subscribe-btn" class="btn" href="{{ path('neighbourhood_add_subscriber', {'location':}) }}"> {{ "neighborhoods.subscribe"|trans }}</a>
  56.                             {% endif %}
  57.                         {% endif %}
  58.                     </div>
  59.                 </div>
  60.             </div>
  61.         </div><!-- end of .container (cover & breadcrumb) -->
  62.         {% if location_statistics and isStatisticsContainsAveragePrice %}
  63.             {% include '@AqarmapNeighborhoodBundle/neighborhoodAveragePrices.html.twig' %}
  64.         {% endif %}
  65.         {% if location.getChildren|length > 0 %}
  66.             {% include '@AqarmapNeighborhoodBundle/neighborhoodSubLocations.html.twig' %}
  67.         {% endif %}
  68.         {% if location_statistics %}
  69.             {% include '@AqarmapNeighborhoodBundle/neighborhoodStatistics.html.twig' %}
  70.         {% endif %}
  71.         {% if location.rating %}
  72.             {% include '@AqarmapNeighborhoodBundle/neighborhoodRatings.html.twig' %}
  73.         {% endif %}
  74.         {# Description & Photos #}
  75.         {% if location.description or > 0 %}
  76.             {% include "@AqarmapNeighborhoodBundle/neighborhoodDetails.html.twig" %}
  77.         {% endif %}
  78.         {% if isEnabledFeature('') %}
  79.             <div class="container">
  80.                 <div class="listing-share-box" id="shareLiveListing">
  81.                     <label class="share-header-mob">
  82.                         {{ 'neighborhoods.share_neighborhoods'|trans({'%location%': location.title |trans})  }}
  83.                     </label>
  84.                     {% include '@AqarmapListingBundle/Listing/elementShareContent.html.twig' with {'url': app.request.uri} %}
  85.                 </div>
  86.                 <a class="listing-share-btn-container neighborhood-share-btn-container stickPermanent borderLight" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#neighborhoodShareModal">
  87.                     <span class="container btn-wrapper">
  88.                         <label>{{ location.title }}</label>
  89.                         <span class="btn btn-default btn-share">
  90.                             <i class="fa fa-share-alt"></i>
  91.                             {{ 'layout.share'|trans }}
  92.                         </span>
  93.                     </span>
  94.                 </a>
  95.             </div>
  96.         {% endif %}
  97.         {% if location and isEnabledFeature('web.topsellers.section') %}
  98.         <div class="container">
  99.             <div class="row">
  100.                 <div class="col">
  101.                     <div class="top-sellers-warp-cards w-100">
  102.                         {% include "@AqarmapListing/ListingSearch/topSellersResponsive.html.twig"  with {'trigger': topSellerTrigger, 'eventAction': topSellerEventAction, leadSourcePage: 'price_guide'} %}
  103.                     </div>
  104.                 </div>
  105.             </div>
  106.         </div>
  107.             <div ng-controller="listingLeadsWizardController" ng-init="initFormWizard()">
  108.                 {{ include('@AqarmapUserBundle/User/listingMultiStepLeadModal.html.twig') }}
  109.             </div>
  110.         {% endif %}
  111.         {# Neighborhood  Discussions #}
  112.         {% if get_setting('features', 'discussions')  %}
  113.             {% include "@AqarmapNeighborhoodBundle/neighborhoodDiscussions.html.twig" %}
  114.         {% endif %}
  115.         {# Neighborhood Compund #}
  116.         {% if location.compoundFilter %}
  117.             {% if location.locationCompound %}
  118.                 <div class="container">
  119.                     <div class="page-header">
  120.                         <h1>
  121.                             {{ 'neighborhoods.information'|trans({'%location%': location.title |trans})  }}
  122.                         </h1>
  123.                     </div>
  124.                     <div class="row">
  125.                         <div class="col-xs-12">
  126.                             <table class="table table-responsive table-bordered compound_info">
  127.                                 <tbody>
  128.                                 <tr>
  129.                                     <td class="compound_info_title" ><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.compound.developer_name'|trans }}</p></td>
  130.                                     <td><p class="block-label">{% if location.locationCompound.developerName  %}{{ location.locationCompound.developerName }}{% else %} -- {% endif %}</p></td>
  131.                                     <td class="compound_info_title"><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.compound.project_size'|trans }}</p></td>
  132.                                     <td><p class="block-label">{% if location.locationCompound.projectSize  %}{{ location.locationCompound.getProjectSize() }}{% else %} -- {% endif %}</p></td>
  133.                                 </tr>
  134.                                 <tr>
  135.                                     <td class="compound_info_title" ><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.compound.units_count'|trans }}</p></td>
  136.                                     <td><p class="block-label">{% if location.locationCompound.unitsCount  %}{{ location.locationCompound.unitsCount|fixArabicNumbers|raw }}{% else %} -- {% endif %}</p></td>
  137.                                     <td class="compound_info_title" ><p class="block-label">{{ 'neighborhoods.compound.state'|trans }}</p></td>
  138.                                     <td><p class="block-label">{% if location.locationCompound.state  %}{{ getCompoundStatusLabel(location.locationCompound.state)|trans }}{% else %} -- {% endif %}</p></td>
  139.                                 </tr>
  140.                                 </tbody>
  141.                             </table>
  142.                         </div>
  143.                     </div>
  144.                 </div>
  145.             {% endif %}
  146.             {% if location.listing %}
  147.                 {% if location.listing.liveChildren is defined and location.listing.liveChildren is not empty %}
  148.                     <div class="container">
  149.                         <div class="page-header">
  150.                             <h1>
  151.                                 {{ 'neighborhoods.units'|trans({'%location%': location.title |trans})  }}
  152.                             </h1>
  153.                         </div>
  154.                         <div class="row">
  155.                             <div class="col-xs-12">
  156.                                 {% include '@AqarmapListingBundle/Listing/units-table.html.twig' with {'units': location.listing.liveChildren} %}
  157.                             </div>
  158.                         </div>
  159.                     </div>
  160.                 {% endif %}
  161.             {% endif %}
  162.         {% endif %}
  163.         {# Compound send contact form #}
  164.         {% if location.compoundFilter %}
  165.             {% if location.listing %}
  166.                 <div class="neighborhood-contact-seller listingSideForm" ng-controller="listingDetailsController" >
  167.                     <div  class="container">
  168.                         <div class="page-header">
  169.                             <h1>{{ 'neighborhoods.compound.contact_developer'|trans }}</h1>
  170.                         </div>
  171.                         {{ form_start(contact_seller_form) }}
  172.                         {{ form_row(contact_seller_form.subject, {value : 'Re: '~ location.listing.title|title|striptags}) }}
  173.                         {{ form_widget(contact_seller_form.message, {attr: {class: 'form-control','placeholder': "neighborhoods.compound.contact_seller_message_placeholder"|trans, 'ng-model': 'sellerMessageContent'}}) }}
  174.                         <button type="submit"  class="btn btn-primary btn-sm  pull-right flip mb-2" data-gtm-listing-id="{{ }}" ng-click="sendEmailtoSeller($event, '{{ }}', '{{ SEND_MESSAGE_CONSTANT }}' )" ng-disabled="contact_seller.$invalid" onclick="gtmPushAction('gtm-btn-listing-message', 'Email')">
  175.                             <span class="fa fa-paper-plane"></span>&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ 'listing.send_message'|trans }}
  176.                         </button>
  177.                         {{ form_end(contact_seller_form) }}
  178.                     </div>
  179.                 </div>
  180.             {% endif %}
  181.         {% endif %}
  182.         {# Nearest Neighbourhoods #}
  183.         {% if nearestNeighbourhoods|length > 0 %}
  184.             {% include "@AqarmapNeighborhoodBundle/neighbourhoodsFeaturedSection.html.twig" %}
  185.         {% endif %}
  186.         <div class="container">
  187.             <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12 mobile-breadcrumb visible-sm visible-xs">
  188.                 {% set NEIGHBORHOOD_BREADCRUMB = knp_menu_get('aqarmap.neighborhood.breadcrumb', [], {
  189.                     location: location,
  190.                     compound: compound
  191.                 }) %}
  192.                 {{
  193.                 knp_menu_render(NEIGHBORHOOD_BREADCRUMB , {
  194.                     'allow_safe_labels': true,
  195.                     'template': 'knp_breadcrumbs.html.twig',
  196.                     'currentAsLink': true,
  197.                     'currentClass': 'active',
  198.                 })
  199.                 }}
  200.             </div>
  201.         </div>
  202.         <div class="container">
  203.             <div class="discussions col-md-12">
  204.                 <div class="tab-content searchResultsContainer interested-listings subsLinks more-locations-container">
  205.                     {% include "@AqarmapMainBundle/Default/locationsSubLinks.html.twig" %}
  206.                 </div>
  207.             </div>
  208.         </div>
  209.     </section>
  210.     {% if isEnabledFeature('') %}
  211.         {% include "@AqarmapNeighborhoodBundle/neighborhoodSharing.html.twig" %}
  212.     {% endif %}
  213. {% endblock %}
  214. {% block footer %}
  215.     {% include "footer.v2.html.twig" %}
  216. {% endblock %}
  217. {% block javascripts %}
  218.     {{ parent() }}
  219.     <script>
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  226.         {% for history in historyData %}
  227.             propety_type_title = "{{ history['title'] }}";
  228.                 {% for data in history['data']['average_price'] %}
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  230.                         avg_price_data.push({{ data['value']  }});
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  262.         {% endfor %}
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  341.           },
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  343.     }
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  345.     <script>
  346.     $(document).ready(function() {
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  357.                 $(this).html(moreTrans);
  358.             }
  359.             if (neighborhoodDescription.hasClass('hidden-neighborhood-description')) {
  360.                 neighborhoodDescription.removeClass('hidden-neighborhood-description')
  361.                 neighborhoodDescription.addClass('visible-neighborhood-description')
  362.             } else if (neighborhoodDescription.hasClass('visible-neighborhood-description')) {
  363.                 neighborhoodDescription.removeClass('visible-neighborhood-description')
  364.                 neighborhoodDescription.addClass('hidden-neighborhood-description')
  365.                 $("#neighborhoodDescription")[0].scrollIntoView();
  366.             }
  367.         })
  368.     })
  369.     </script>
  370. {% endblock %}