templates/base.html.twig line 67

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  296.         {% set criteo_datalayer = criteo_datalayer|merge({'ListingIDList': resultsIDs|slice(1, 3)}) %}
  297.     {% endif %}
  298.     <script>
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  303. {% endblock %}
  304. {% block fos %}
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  307.     {% else %}
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  309.         <script>
  310.             Routing.setPrefix("{{ app.request.locale }}__RG__");
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  312.     {% endif %}
  313. {% endblock %}
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  317.     {% endif %}
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  319. {% block wootricScript %}
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  325.         <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.wootric.com/wootric-sdk.js"></script>
  326.         {% if app.user %}
  327.             <script id="wootricScript"  type="application/javascript" src="{{ asset('builds/js/buildWootric'~ (app.environment == 'dev' ? '' : '.min') ~'.js') }}"></script>
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  330.                 //window.wootric_survey_immediately = true; // Shows survey immediately for testing purposes. TODO: Comment out for production.
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  337.     {% else %}
  338.         <script>
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  343.                         'userCreatedAt': '{{ app.user.createdAt|date('U') }}',
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  348.     {% endif %}
  349. {% endblock %}
  350. {% block facebookLogin %}
  351. {% endblock %}
  352. {% block googleLogin %}
  353.     {% include "googleLogin.html.twig" %}
  354. {% endblock googleLogin %}
  355. </body>
  356. </html>