namespace Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB;
use Doctrine\Common\EventManager;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Hydrator\HydratorFactory;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactoryInterface;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping\MappingException;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Proxy\Factory\ProxyFactory;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Proxy\Factory\StaticProxyFactory;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Proxy\Resolver\CachingClassNameResolver;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Proxy\Resolver\ClassNameResolver;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Proxy\Resolver\ProxyManagerClassNameResolver;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Query\FilterCollection;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Repository\DocumentRepository;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Repository\GridFSRepository;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Repository\RepositoryFactory;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Repository\ViewRepository;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ProxyClassNameResolver;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Jean85\PrettyVersions;
use MongoDB\Client;
use MongoDB\Collection;
use MongoDB\Database;
use MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference;
use MongoDB\GridFS\Bucket;
use ProxyManager\Proxy\GhostObjectInterface;
use RuntimeException;
use Throwable;
use function array_search;
use function assert;
use function get_class;
use function gettype;
use function is_object;
use function ltrim;
use function sprintf;
use function trigger_deprecation;
* The DocumentManager class is the central access point for managing the
* persistence of documents.
* <?php
* $config = new Configuration();
* $dm = DocumentManager::create(new Connection(), $config);
* @psalm-import-type CommitOptions from UnitOfWork
* @psalm-import-type FieldMapping from ClassMetadata
class DocumentManager implements ObjectManager
public const CLIENT_TYPEMAP = ['root' => 'array', 'document' => 'array'];
* The Doctrine MongoDB connection instance.
private Client $client;
* The used Configuration.
private Configuration $config;
* The metadata factory, used to retrieve the ODM metadata of document classes.
private ClassMetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory;
* The UnitOfWork used to coordinate object-level transactions.
private UnitOfWork $unitOfWork;
* The event manager that is the central point of the event system.
private EventManager $eventManager;
* The Hydrator factory instance.
private HydratorFactory $hydratorFactory;
* The Proxy factory instance.
private ProxyFactory $proxyFactory;
* The repository factory used to create dynamic repositories.
private RepositoryFactory $repositoryFactory;
* SchemaManager instance
private SchemaManager $schemaManager;
* Array of cached document database instances that are lazily loaded.
* @var Database[]
private array $documentDatabases = [];
* Array of cached document collection instances that are lazily loaded.
* @var Collection[]
private array $documentCollections = [];
* Array of cached document bucket instances that are lazily loaded.
* @var Bucket[]
private array $documentBuckets = [];
* Whether the DocumentManager is closed or not.
private bool $closed = false;
* Collection of query filters.
private ?FilterCollection $filterCollection = null;
/** @var ProxyClassNameResolver&ClassNameResolver */
private ProxyClassNameResolver $classNameResolver;
private static ?string $version = null;
* Creates a new Document that operates on the given Mongo connection
* and uses the given Configuration.
protected function __construct(?Client $client = null, ?Configuration $config = null, ?EventManager $eventManager = null)
$this->config = $config ?: new Configuration();
$this->eventManager = $eventManager ?: new EventManager();
$this->client = $client ?: new Client(
'driver' => [
'name' => 'doctrine-odm',
'version' => self::getVersion(),
$this->classNameResolver = new CachingClassNameResolver(new ProxyManagerClassNameResolver($this->config));
$metadataFactoryClassName = $this->config->getClassMetadataFactoryName();
$this->metadataFactory = new $metadataFactoryClassName();
$cacheDriver = $this->config->getMetadataCache();
if ($cacheDriver) {
$hydratorDir = $this->config->getHydratorDir();
$hydratorNs = $this->config->getHydratorNamespace();
$this->hydratorFactory = new HydratorFactory(
$this->unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork($this, $this->eventManager, $this->hydratorFactory);
$this->schemaManager = new SchemaManager($this, $this->metadataFactory);
$this->proxyFactory = new StaticProxyFactory($this);
$this->repositoryFactory = $this->config->getRepositoryFactory();
* Gets the proxy factory used by the DocumentManager to create document proxies.
public function getProxyFactory(): ProxyFactory
return $this->proxyFactory;
* Creates a new Document that operates on the given Mongo connection
* and uses the given Configuration.
public static function create(?Client $client = null, ?Configuration $config = null, ?EventManager $eventManager = null): DocumentManager
return new static($client, $config, $eventManager);
* Gets the EventManager used by the DocumentManager.
public function getEventManager(): EventManager
return $this->eventManager;
* Gets the MongoDB client instance that this DocumentManager wraps.
public function getClient(): Client
return $this->client;
* Gets the metadata factory used to gather the metadata of classes.
* @return ClassMetadataFactoryInterface
public function getMetadataFactory()
return $this->metadataFactory;
* Helper method to initialize a lazy loading proxy or persistent collection.
* This method is a no-op for other objects.
* @param object $obj
public function initializeObject($obj)
* Gets the UnitOfWork used by the DocumentManager to coordinate operations.
public function getUnitOfWork(): UnitOfWork
return $this->unitOfWork;
* Gets the Hydrator factory used by the DocumentManager to generate and get hydrators
* for each type of document.
public function getHydratorFactory(): HydratorFactory
return $this->hydratorFactory;
* Returns SchemaManager, used to create/drop indexes/collections/databases.
public function getSchemaManager(): SchemaManager
return $this->schemaManager;
* Returns the class name resolver which is used to resolve real class names for proxy objects.
* @deprecated Fetch metadata for any class string (e.g. proxy object class) and read the class name from the metadata object
public function getClassNameResolver(): ClassNameResolver
return $this->classNameResolver;
* Returns the metadata for a class.
* @param string $className The class name.
* @psalm-param class-string<T> $className
* @psalm-return ClassMetadata<T>
* @template T of object
* @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType, InvalidReturnStatement see https://github.com/vimeo/psalm/issues/5788
public function getClassMetadata($className): ClassMetadata
return $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($className);
* Returns the MongoDB instance for a class.
* @psalm-param class-string $className
public function getDocumentDatabase(string $className): Database
$metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($className);
$className = $metadata->getName();
if (isset($this->documentDatabases[$className])) {
return $this->documentDatabases[$className];
$db = $metadata->getDatabase();
$db = $db ?: $this->config->getDefaultDB();
$db = $db ?: 'doctrine';
$this->documentDatabases[$className] = $this->client->selectDatabase($db);
return $this->documentDatabases[$className];
* Gets the array of instantiated document database instances.
* @return Database[]
public function getDocumentDatabases(): array
return $this->documentDatabases;
* Returns the collection instance for a class.
* @throws MongoDBException When the $className param is not mapped to a collection.
public function getDocumentCollection(string $className): Collection
$metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($className);
if ($metadata->isFile) {
return $this->getDocumentBucket($className)->getFilesCollection();
$collectionName = $metadata->getCollection();
if (! $collectionName) {
throw MongoDBException::documentNotMappedToCollection($className);
if (! isset($this->documentCollections[$className])) {
$db = $this->getDocumentDatabase($className);
$options = ['typeMap' => self::CLIENT_TYPEMAP];
if ($metadata->readPreference !== null) {
$options['readPreference'] = new ReadPreference($metadata->readPreference, $metadata->readPreferenceTags);
$this->documentCollections[$className] = $db->selectCollection($collectionName, $options);
return $this->documentCollections[$className];
* Returns the bucket instance for a class.
* @throws MongoDBException When the $className param is not mapped to a collection.
public function getDocumentBucket(string $className): Bucket
$metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($className);
if (! $metadata->isFile) {
throw MongoDBException::documentBucketOnlyAvailableForGridFSFiles($className);
$bucketName = $metadata->getBucketName();
if (! $bucketName) {
throw MongoDBException::documentNotMappedToCollection($className);
if (! isset($this->documentBuckets[$className])) {
$db = $this->getDocumentDatabase($className);
$options = ['bucketName' => $bucketName];
if ($metadata->readPreference !== null) {
$options['readPreference'] = new ReadPreference($metadata->readPreference, $metadata->readPreferenceTags);
$this->documentBuckets[$className] = $db->selectGridFSBucket($options);
return $this->documentBuckets[$className];
* Gets the array of instantiated document collection instances.
* @return Collection[]
public function getDocumentCollections(): array
return $this->documentCollections;
* Create a new Query instance for a class.
* @param string[]|string|null $documentName (optional) an array of document names, the document name, or none
public function createQueryBuilder($documentName = null): Query\Builder
return new Query\Builder($this, $documentName);
* Creates a new aggregation builder instance for a class.
public function createAggregationBuilder(string $documentName): Aggregation\Builder
return new Aggregation\Builder($this, $documentName);
* Tells the DocumentManager to make an instance managed and persistent.
* The document will be entered into the database at or before transaction
* commit or as a result of the flush operation.
* NOTE: The persist operation always considers documents that are not yet known to
* this DocumentManager as NEW. Do not pass detached documents to the persist operation.
* @param object $object The instance to make managed and persistent.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When the given $object param is not an object.
public function persist($object)
if (! is_object($object)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(gettype($object));
* Removes a document instance.
* A removed document will be removed from the database at or before transaction commit
* or as a result of the flush operation.
* @param object $object The document instance to remove.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When the $object param is not an object.
public function remove($object)
if (! is_object($object)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(gettype($object));
* Refreshes the persistent state of a document from the database,
* overriding any local changes that have not yet been persisted.
* @param object $object The document to refresh.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When the given $object param is not an object.
public function refresh($object)
if (! is_object($object)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(gettype($object));
* Detaches a document from the DocumentManager, causing a managed document to
* become detached. Unflushed changes made to the document if any
* (including removal of the document), will not be synchronized to the database.
* Documents which previously referenced the detached document will continue to
* reference it.
* @param object $object The document to detach.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When the $object param is not an object.
public function detach($object)
if (! is_object($object)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(gettype($object));
* Merges the state of a detached document into the persistence context
* of this DocumentManager and returns the managed copy of the document.
* The document passed to merge will not become associated/managed with this DocumentManager.
* @param object $object The detached document to merge into the persistence context.
* @return object The managed copy of the document.
* @throws LockException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If the $object param is not an object.
public function merge($object)
if (! is_object($object)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(gettype($object));
return $this->unitOfWork->merge($object);
* Acquire a lock on the given document.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws LockException
public function lock(object $document, int $lockMode, ?int $lockVersion = null): void
$this->unitOfWork->lock($document, $lockMode, $lockVersion);
* Releases a lock on the given document.
public function unlock(object $document): void
* Gets the repository for a document class.
* @param string $className The name of the Document.
* @psalm-param class-string<T> $className
* @return DocumentRepository|GridFSRepository|ViewRepository The repository.
* @psalm-return DocumentRepository<T>|GridFSRepository<T>|ViewRepository<T>
* @template T of object
public function getRepository($className)
return $this->repositoryFactory->getRepository($this, $className);
* Flushes all changes to objects that have been queued up to now to the database.
* This effectively synchronizes the in-memory state of managed objects with the
* database.
* @param array $options Array of options to be used with batchInsert(), update() and remove()
* @psalm-param CommitOptions $options
* @throws MongoDBException
public function flush(array $options = [])
* Gets a reference to the document identified by the given type and identifier
* without actually loading it.
* If partial objects are allowed, this method will return a partial object that only
* has its identifier populated. Otherwise a proxy is returned that automatically
* loads itself on first access.
* @param mixed $identifier
* @psalm-param class-string<T> $documentName
* @psalm-return T|(T&GhostObjectInterface<T>)
* @template T of object
public function getReference(string $documentName, $identifier): object
/** @psalm-var ClassMetadata<T> $class */
$class = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor(ltrim($documentName, '\\'));
assert($class instanceof ClassMetadata);
/** @psalm-var T|false $document */
$document = $this->unitOfWork->tryGetById($identifier, $class);
// Check identity map first, if its already in there just return it.
if ($document !== false) {
return $document;
/** @psalm-var T&GhostObjectInterface<T> $document */
$document = $this->proxyFactory->getProxy($class, $identifier);
$this->unitOfWork->registerManaged($document, $identifier, []);
return $document;
* Gets a partial reference to the document identified by the given type and identifier
* without actually loading it, if the document is not yet loaded.
* The returned reference may be a partial object if the document is not yet loaded/managed.
* If it is a partial object it will not initialize the rest of the document state on access.
* Thus you can only ever safely access the identifier of a document obtained through
* this method.
* The use-cases for partial references involve maintaining bidirectional associations
* without loading one side of the association or to update a document without loading it.
* Note, however, that in the latter case the original (persistent) document data will
* never be visible to the application (especially not event listeners) as it will
* never be loaded in the first place.
* @param mixed $identifier The document identifier.
public function getPartialReference(string $documentName, $identifier): object
$class = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataFor(ltrim($documentName, '\\'));
$document = $this->unitOfWork->tryGetById($identifier, $class);
// Check identity map first, if its already in there just return it.
if ($document) {
return $document;
$document = $class->newInstance();
$class->setIdentifierValue($document, $identifier);
$this->unitOfWork->registerManaged($document, $identifier, []);
return $document;
* Finds a Document by its identifier.
* This is just a convenient shortcut for getRepository($documentName)->find($id).
* @param string $className
* @param mixed $id
* @param int $lockMode
* @param int $lockVersion
* @psalm-param class-string<T> $className
* @psalm-return T|null
* @template T of object
public function find($className, $id, $lockMode = LockMode::NONE, $lockVersion = null): ?object
$repository = $this->getRepository($className);
if ($repository instanceof DocumentRepository) {
/** @psalm-var DocumentRepository<T> $repository */
return $repository->find($id, $lockMode, $lockVersion);
return $repository->find($id);
* Clears the DocumentManager.
* All documents that are currently managed by this DocumentManager become
* detached.
* @param string|null $objectName if given, only documents of this type will get detached
public function clear($objectName = null)
if ($objectName !== null) {
'Calling %s() with any arguments to clear specific documents is deprecated and will not be supported in Doctrine ODM 3.0.',
* Closes the DocumentManager. All documents that are currently managed
* by this DocumentManager become detached. The DocumentManager may no longer
* be used after it is closed.
* @return void
public function close()
$this->closed = true;
* Determines whether a document instance is managed in this DocumentManager.
* @param object $object
* @return bool TRUE if this DocumentManager currently manages the given document, FALSE otherwise.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException When the $object param is not an object.
public function contains($object)
if (! is_object($object)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(gettype($object));
return $this->unitOfWork->isScheduledForInsert($object) ||
$this->unitOfWork->isInIdentityMap($object) &&
! $this->unitOfWork->isScheduledForDelete($object);
* Gets the Configuration used by the DocumentManager.
public function getConfiguration(): Configuration
return $this->config;
* Returns a reference to the supplied document.
* @psalm-param FieldMapping $referenceMapping
* @return mixed The reference for the document in question, according to the desired mapping
* @throws MappingException
* @throws RuntimeException
public function createReference(object $document, array $referenceMapping)
$class = $this->getClassMetadata(get_class($document));
$id = $this->unitOfWork->getDocumentIdentifier($document);
if ($id === null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
sprintf('Cannot create a DBRef for class %s without an identifier. Have you forgotten to persist/merge the document first?', $class->name),
$storeAs = $referenceMapping['storeAs'] ?? null;
switch ($storeAs) {
case ClassMetadata::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_ID:
if ($class->inheritanceType === ClassMetadata::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_COLLECTION) {
throw MappingException::simpleReferenceMustNotTargetDiscriminatedDocument($referenceMapping['targetDocument']);
return $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id);
case ClassMetadata::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_REF:
$reference = ['id' => $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id)];
case ClassMetadata::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_DB_REF:
$reference = [
'$ref' => $class->getCollection(),
'$id' => $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id),
$reference = [
'$ref' => $class->getCollection(),
'$id' => $class->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id),
'$db' => $this->getDocumentDatabase($class->name)->getDatabaseName(),
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Reference type %s is invalid.', $storeAs));
return $reference + $this->getDiscriminatorData($referenceMapping, $class);
* Build discriminator portion of reference for specified reference mapping and class metadata.
* @param array $referenceMapping Mappings of reference for which discriminator data is created.
* @param ClassMetadata<object> $class Metadata of reference document class.
* @psalm-param FieldMapping $referenceMapping
* @return array with next structure [{discriminator field} => {discriminator value}]
* @psalm-return array<string, class-string>
* @throws MappingException When discriminator map is present and reference class in not registered in it.
private function getDiscriminatorData(array $referenceMapping, ClassMetadata $class): array
$discriminatorField = null;
$discriminatorValue = null;
$discriminatorMap = null;
if (isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorField'])) {
$discriminatorField = $referenceMapping['discriminatorField'];
if (isset($referenceMapping['discriminatorMap'])) {
$discriminatorMap = $referenceMapping['discriminatorMap'];
} else {
$discriminatorField = $class->discriminatorField;
$discriminatorValue = $class->discriminatorValue;
$discriminatorMap = $class->discriminatorMap;
if ($discriminatorField === null) {
return [];
if ($discriminatorValue === null) {
if (! empty($discriminatorMap)) {
$pos = array_search($class->name, $discriminatorMap);
if ($pos !== false) {
$discriminatorValue = $pos;
} else {
$discriminatorValue = $class->name;
if ($discriminatorValue === null) {
throw MappingException::unlistedClassInDiscriminatorMap($class->name);
return [$discriminatorField => $discriminatorValue];
* Throws an exception if the DocumentManager is closed or currently not active.
* @throws MongoDBException If the DocumentManager is closed.
private function errorIfClosed(): void
if ($this->closed) {
throw MongoDBException::documentManagerClosed();
* Check if the Document manager is open or closed.
public function isOpen(): bool
return ! $this->closed;
* Gets the filter collection.
public function getFilterCollection(): FilterCollection
if ($this->filterCollection === null) {
$this->filterCollection = new FilterCollection($this);
return $this->filterCollection;
private static function getVersion(): string
if (self::$version === null) {
try {
self::$version = PrettyVersions::getVersion('doctrine/mongodb-odm')->getPrettyVersion();
} catch (Throwable $t) {
return 'unknown';
return self::$version;