namespace Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Mapping;
use BackedEnum;
use BadMethodCallException;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\Instantiator\Instantiator;
use Doctrine\Instantiator\InstantiatorInterface;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Id\IdGenerator;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\LockException;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Types\Incrementable;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Types\Type;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Types\Versionable;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Utility\CollectionHelper;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata as BaseClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ReflectionService;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\RuntimeReflectionService;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Reflection\EnumReflectionProperty;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use LogicException;
use ProxyManager\Proxy\GhostObjectInterface;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionEnum;
use ReflectionNamedType;
use ReflectionProperty;
use function array_filter;
use function array_key_exists;
use function array_keys;
use function array_map;
use function array_pop;
use function assert;
use function class_exists;
use function constant;
use function count;
use function enum_exists;
use function extension_loaded;
use function get_class;
use function in_array;
use function interface_exists;
use function is_array;
use function is_string;
use function is_subclass_of;
use function ltrim;
use function sprintf;
use function strtolower;
use function strtoupper;
use function trigger_deprecation;
use const PHP_VERSION_ID;
* A <tt>ClassMetadata</tt> instance holds all the object-document mapping metadata
* of a document and it's references.
* Once populated, ClassMetadata instances are usually cached in a serialized form.
* The fields of this class are only public for 2 reasons:
* 1) To allow fast READ access.
* 2) To drastically reduce the size of a serialized instance (private/protected members
* get the whole class name, namespace inclusive, prepended to every property in
* the serialized representation).
* @psalm-type FieldMappingConfig = array{
* type?: string,
* fieldName?: string,
* name?: string,
* strategy?: string,
* association?: int,
* id?: bool,
* isOwningSide?: bool,
* collectionClass?: class-string,
* cascade?: list<string>|string,
* embedded?: bool,
* orphanRemoval?: bool,
* options?: array<string, mixed>,
* nullable?: bool,
* reference?: bool,
* storeAs?: string,
* targetDocument?: class-string|null,
* mappedBy?: string|null,
* inversedBy?: string|null,
* discriminatorField?: string,
* defaultDiscriminatorValue?: string,
* discriminatorMap?: array<string, class-string>,
* repositoryMethod?: string|null,
* sort?: array<string, string|int>,
* limit?: int|null,
* skip?: int|null,
* version?: bool,
* lock?: bool,
* inherited?: string,
* declared?: class-string,
* prime?: list<string>,
* sparse?: bool,
* unique?: bool,
* index?: bool,
* index-name?: string,
* criteria?: array<string, string>,
* alsoLoadFields?: list<string>,
* order?: int|string,
* background?: bool,
* enumType?: class-string<BackedEnum>,
* }
* @psalm-type FieldMapping = array{
* type: string,
* fieldName: string,
* name: string,
* isCascadeRemove: bool,
* isCascadePersist: bool,
* isCascadeRefresh: bool,
* isCascadeMerge: bool,
* isCascadeDetach: bool,
* isOwningSide: bool,
* isInverseSide: bool,
* strategy?: string,
* association?: int,
* id?: bool,
* collectionClass?: class-string,
* cascade?: list<string>|string,
* embedded?: bool,
* orphanRemoval?: bool,
* options?: array<string, mixed>,
* nullable?: bool,
* reference?: bool,
* storeAs?: string,
* targetDocument?: class-string|null,
* mappedBy?: string|null,
* inversedBy?: string|null,
* discriminatorField?: string,
* defaultDiscriminatorValue?: string,
* discriminatorMap?: array<string, class-string>,
* repositoryMethod?: string|null,
* sort?: array<string, string|int>,
* limit?: int|null,
* skip?: int|null,
* version?: bool,
* lock?: bool,
* notSaved?: bool,
* inherited?: string,
* declared?: class-string,
* prime?: list<string>,
* sparse?: bool,
* unique?: bool,
* index?: bool,
* criteria?: array<string, string>,
* alsoLoadFields?: list<string>,
* enumType?: class-string<BackedEnum>,
* }
* @psalm-type AssociationFieldMapping = array{
* type?: string,
* fieldName: string,
* name: string,
* isCascadeRemove: bool,
* isCascadePersist: bool,
* isCascadeRefresh: bool,
* isCascadeMerge: bool,
* isCascadeDetach: bool,
* isOwningSide: bool,
* isInverseSide: bool,
* targetDocument: class-string|null,
* association: int,
* strategy?: string,
* id?: bool,
* collectionClass?: class-string,
* cascade?: list<string>|string,
* embedded?: bool,
* orphanRemoval?: bool,
* options?: array<string, mixed>,
* nullable?: bool,
* reference?: bool,
* storeAs?: string,
* mappedBy?: string|null,
* inversedBy?: string|null,
* discriminatorField?: string,
* defaultDiscriminatorValue?: string,
* discriminatorMap?: array<string, class-string>,
* repositoryMethod?: string|null,
* sort?: array<string, string|int>,
* limit?: int|null,
* skip?: int|null,
* version?: bool,
* lock?: bool,
* notSaved?: bool,
* inherited?: string,
* declared?: class-string,
* prime?: list<string>,
* sparse?: bool,
* unique?: bool,
* index?: bool,
* criteria?: array<string, string>,
* alsoLoadFields?: list<string>,
* }
* @psalm-type IndexKeys = array<string, mixed>
* @psalm-type IndexOptions = array{
* background?: bool,
* bits?: int,
* default_language?: string,
* expireAfterSeconds?: int,
* language_override?: string,
* min?: float,
* max?: float,
* name?: string,
* partialFilterExpression?: mixed[],
* sparse?: bool,
* storageEngine?: mixed[],
* textIndexVersion?: int,
* unique?: bool,
* weights?: array{string, int},
* }
* @psalm-type IndexMapping = array{
* keys: IndexKeys,
* options: IndexOptions
* }
* @psalm-type ShardKeys = array<string, mixed>
* @psalm-type ShardOptions = array<string, mixed>
* @psalm-type ShardKey = array{
* keys?: ShardKeys,
* options?: ShardOptions
* }
* @final
* @template-covariant T of object
* @template-implements BaseClassMetadata<T>
/* final */ class ClassMetadata implements BaseClassMetadata
/* The Id generator types. */
* AUTO means Doctrine will automatically create a new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId instance for us.
public const GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO = 1;
* INCREMENT means a separate collection is used for maintaining and incrementing id generation.
* Offers full portability.
* UUID means Doctrine will generate a uuid for us.
public const GENERATOR_TYPE_UUID = 3;
* ALNUM means Doctrine will generate Alpha-numeric string identifiers, using the INCREMENT
* generator to ensure identifier uniqueness
public const GENERATOR_TYPE_ALNUM = 4;
* CUSTOM means Doctrine expect a class parameter. It will then try to initiate that class
* and pass other options to the generator. It will throw an Exception if the class
* does not exist or if an option was passed for that there is not setter in the new
* generator class.
* The class will have to implement IdGenerator.
public const GENERATOR_TYPE_CUSTOM = 5;
* NONE means Doctrine will not generate any id for us and you are responsible for manually
* assigning an id.
public const GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE = 6;
* Default discriminator field name.
* This is used for associations value for associations where a that do not define a "targetDocument" or
* "discriminatorField" option in their mapping.
public const DEFAULT_DISCRIMINATOR_FIELD = '_doctrine_class_name';
* Association types
public const REFERENCE_ONE = 1;
public const REFERENCE_MANY = 2;
public const EMBED_ONE = 3;
public const EMBED_MANY = 4;
* Mapping types
public const MANY = 'many';
public const ONE = 'one';
* The types of storeAs references
public const REFERENCE_STORE_AS_ID = 'id';
public const REFERENCE_STORE_AS_DB_REF = 'dbRef';
public const REFERENCE_STORE_AS_DB_REF_WITH_DB = 'dbRefWithDb';
public const REFERENCE_STORE_AS_REF = 'ref';
* The collection schema validationAction values
* @see https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/schema-validation/#accept-or-reject-invalid-documents
public const SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ACTION_ERROR = 'error';
public const SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ACTION_WARN = 'warn';
* The collection schema validationLevel values
* @see https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/schema-validation/#existing-documents
public const SCHEMA_VALIDATION_LEVEL_OFF = 'off';
public const SCHEMA_VALIDATION_LEVEL_STRICT = 'strict';
public const SCHEMA_VALIDATION_LEVEL_MODERATE = 'moderate';
/* The inheritance mapping types */
* NONE means the class does not participate in an inheritance hierarchy
* and therefore does not need an inheritance mapping type.
public const INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE = 1;
* SINGLE_COLLECTION means the class will be persisted according to the rules of
* <tt>Single Collection Inheritance</tt>.
* COLLECTION_PER_CLASS means the class will be persisted according to the rules
* of <tt>Concrete Collection Inheritance</tt>.
* DEFERRED_IMPLICIT means that changes of entities are calculated at commit-time
* by doing a property-by-property comparison with the original data. This will
* be done for all entities that are in MANAGED state at commit-time.
* This is the default change tracking policy.
* DEFERRED_EXPLICIT means that changes of entities are calculated at commit-time
* by doing a property-by-property comparison with the original data. This will
* be done only for entities that were explicitly saved (through persist() or a cascade).
* NOTIFY means that Doctrine relies on the entities sending out notifications
* when their properties change. Such entity classes must implement
* the <tt>NotifyPropertyChanged</tt> interface.
* @deprecated
* SET means that fields will be written to the database using a $set operator
public const STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET = 'set';
* INCREMENT means that fields will be written to the database by calculating
* the difference and using the $inc operator
public const STORAGE_STRATEGY_INCREMENT = 'increment';
public const STORAGE_STRATEGY_PUSH_ALL = 'pushAll';
public const STORAGE_STRATEGY_ADD_TO_SET = 'addToSet';
public const STORAGE_STRATEGY_ATOMIC_SET = 'atomicSet';
public const STORAGE_STRATEGY_ATOMIC_SET_ARRAY = 'atomicSetArray';
public const STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET_ARRAY = 'setArray';
private const ALLOWED_GRIDFS_FIELDS = ['_id', 'chunkSize', 'filename', 'length', 'metadata', 'uploadDate'];
* READ-ONLY: The name of the mongo database the document is mapped to.
* @var string|null
public $db;
* READ-ONLY: The name of the mongo collection the document is mapped to.
* @var string
public $collection;
* READ-ONLY: The name of the GridFS bucket the document is mapped to.
* @var string
public $bucketName = 'fs';
* READ-ONLY: If the collection should be a fixed size.
* @var bool
public $collectionCapped = false;
* READ-ONLY: If the collection is fixed size, its size in bytes.
* @var int|null
public $collectionSize;
* READ-ONLY: If the collection is fixed size, the maximum number of elements to store in the collection.
* @var int|null
public $collectionMax;
* READ-ONLY Describes how MongoDB clients route read operations to the members of a replica set.
* @var string|null
public $readPreference;
* READ-ONLY Associated with readPreference Allows to specify criteria so that your application can target read
* operations to specific members, based on custom parameters.
* @var array<array<string, string>>
public $readPreferenceTags = [];
* READ-ONLY: Describes the level of acknowledgement requested from MongoDB for write operations.
* @var string|int|null
public $writeConcern;
* READ-ONLY: The field name of the document identifier.
* @var string|null
public $identifier;
* READ-ONLY: The array of indexes for the document collection.
* @var array<array<string, mixed>>
* @psalm-var array<IndexMapping>
public $indexes = [];
* READ-ONLY: Keys and options describing shard key. Only for sharded collections.
* @var array<string, array>
* @psalm-var ShardKey
public $shardKey = [];
* Allows users to specify a validation schema for the collection.
* @var array|object|null
* @psalm-var array<string, mixed>|object|null
private $validator;
* Determines whether to error on invalid documents or just warn about the violations but allow invalid documents to be inserted.
* @var string
private $validationAction = self::SCHEMA_VALIDATION_ACTION_ERROR;
* Determines how strictly MongoDB applies the validation rules to existing documents during an update.
private string $validationLevel = self::SCHEMA_VALIDATION_LEVEL_STRICT;
* READ-ONLY: The name of the document class.
* @var string
* @psalm-var class-string<T>
public $name;
* READ-ONLY: The name of the document class that is at the root of the mapped document inheritance
* hierarchy. If the document is not part of a mapped inheritance hierarchy this is the same
* as {@link $documentName}.
* @var string
* @psalm-var class-string
public $rootDocumentName;
* The name of the custom repository class used for the document class.
* (Optional).
* @var string|null
* @psalm-var class-string|null
public $customRepositoryClassName;
* READ-ONLY: The names of the parent classes (ancestors).
* @var array
* @psalm-var list<class-string>
public $parentClasses = [];
* READ-ONLY: The names of all subclasses (descendants).
* @var array
* @psalm-var list<class-string>
public $subClasses = [];
* The ReflectionProperty instances of the mapped class.
* @var ReflectionProperty[]
public $reflFields = [];
* READ-ONLY: The inheritance mapping type used by the class.
* @var int
public $inheritanceType = self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE;
* READ-ONLY: The Id generator type used by the class.
* @var int
public $generatorType = self::GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO;
* READ-ONLY: The Id generator options.
* @var array<string, mixed>
public $generatorOptions = [];
* READ-ONLY: The ID generator used for generating IDs for this class.
* @var IdGenerator|null
public $idGenerator;
* READ-ONLY: The field mappings of the class.
* Keys are field names and values are mapping definitions.
* The mapping definition array has the following values:
* - <b>fieldName</b> (string)
* The name of the field in the Document.
* - <b>id</b> (boolean, optional)
* Marks the field as the primary key of the document. Multiple fields of an
* document can have the id attribute, forming a composite key.
* @var array<string, mixed>
* @psalm-var array<string, FieldMapping>
public $fieldMappings = [];
* READ-ONLY: The association mappings of the class.
* Keys are field names and values are mapping definitions.
* @var array<string, mixed>
* @psalm-var array<string, AssociationFieldMapping>
public $associationMappings = [];
* READ-ONLY: Array of fields to also load with a given method.
* @var array<string, mixed[]>
public $alsoLoadMethods = [];
* READ-ONLY: The registered lifecycle callbacks for documents of this class.
* @var array<string, list<string>>
public $lifecycleCallbacks = [];
* READ-ONLY: The discriminator value of this class.
* <b>This does only apply to the JOINED and SINGLE_COLLECTION inheritance mapping strategies
* where a discriminator field is used.</b>
* @see discriminatorField
* @var string|null
* @psalm-var class-string|null
public $discriminatorValue;
* READ-ONLY: The discriminator map of all mapped classes in the hierarchy.
* <b>This does only apply to the SINGLE_COLLECTION inheritance mapping strategy
* where a discriminator field is used.</b>
* @see discriminatorField
* @psalm-var array<string, class-string>
public $discriminatorMap = [];
* READ-ONLY: The definition of the discriminator field used in SINGLE_COLLECTION
* inheritance mapping.
* @var string|null
public $discriminatorField;
* READ-ONLY: The default value for discriminatorField in case it's not set in the document
* @see discriminatorField
* @var string|null
public $defaultDiscriminatorValue;
* READ-ONLY: Whether this class describes the mapping of a mapped superclass.
* @var bool
public $isMappedSuperclass = false;
* READ-ONLY: Whether this class describes the mapping of a embedded document.
* @var bool
public $isEmbeddedDocument = false;
* READ-ONLY: Whether this class describes the mapping of an aggregation result document.
* @var bool
public $isQueryResultDocument = false;
* READ-ONLY: Whether this class describes the mapping of a database view.
private bool $isView = false;
* READ-ONLY: Whether this class describes the mapping of a gridFS file
* @var bool
public $isFile = false;
* READ-ONLY: The default chunk size in bytes for the file
* @var int|null
public $chunkSizeBytes;
* READ-ONLY: The policy used for change-tracking on entities of this class.
* @var int
public $changeTrackingPolicy = self::CHANGETRACKING_DEFERRED_IMPLICIT;
* READ-ONLY: A flag for whether or not instances of this class are to be versioned
* with optimistic locking.
* @var bool $isVersioned
public $isVersioned = false;
* READ-ONLY: The name of the field which is used for versioning in optimistic locking (if any).
* @var string|null $versionField
public $versionField;
* READ-ONLY: A flag for whether or not instances of this class are to allow pessimistic
* locking.
* @var bool $isLockable
public $isLockable = false;
* READ-ONLY: The name of the field which is used for locking a document.
* @var mixed $lockField
public $lockField;
* The ReflectionClass instance of the mapped class.
* @var ReflectionClass
* @psalm-var ReflectionClass<T>
public $reflClass;
* READ_ONLY: A flag for whether or not this document is read-only.
* @var bool
public $isReadOnly;
private InstantiatorInterface $instantiator;
private ReflectionService $reflectionService;
* @var string|null
* @psalm-var class-string|null
private $rootClass;
* Initializes a new ClassMetadata instance that will hold the object-document mapping
* metadata of the class with the given name.
* @psalm-param class-string<T> $documentName
public function __construct(string $documentName)
$this->name = $documentName;
$this->rootDocumentName = $documentName;
$this->reflectionService = new RuntimeReflectionService();
$this->reflClass = new ReflectionClass($documentName);
$this->instantiator = new Instantiator();
* Helper method to get reference id of ref* type references
* @internal
* @param mixed $reference
* @return mixed
public static function getReferenceId($reference, string $storeAs)
return $storeAs === self::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_ID ? $reference : $reference[self::getReferencePrefix($storeAs) . 'id'];
* Returns the reference prefix used for a reference
private static function getReferencePrefix(string $storeAs): string
throw new LogicException('Can only get a reference prefix for DBRef and reference arrays');
return $storeAs === self::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_REF ? '' : '$';
* Returns a fully qualified field name for a given reference
* @internal
* @param string $pathPrefix The field path prefix
public static function getReferenceFieldName(string $storeAs, string $pathPrefix = ''): string
if ($storeAs === self::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_ID) {
return $pathPrefix;
return ($pathPrefix ? $pathPrefix . '.' : '') . static::getReferencePrefix($storeAs) . 'id';
public function getReflectionClass(): ReflectionClass
return $this->reflClass;
/** @param string $fieldName */
public function isIdentifier($fieldName): bool
return $this->identifier === $fieldName;
* Sets the mapped identifier field of this class.
* @internal
public function setIdentifier(?string $identifier): void
$this->identifier = $identifier;
* Since MongoDB only allows exactly one identifier field
* this will always return an array with only one value
* @return array<string|null>
public function getIdentifier(): array
return [$this->identifier];
* Since MongoDB only allows exactly one identifier field
* this will always return an array with only one value
* @return array<string|null>
public function getIdentifierFieldNames(): array
return [$this->identifier];
/** @param string $fieldName */
public function hasField($fieldName): bool
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]);
* Sets the inheritance type used by the class and it's subclasses.
public function setInheritanceType(int $type): void
$this->inheritanceType = $type;
* Checks whether a mapped field is inherited from an entity superclass.
public function isInheritedField(string $fieldName): bool
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['inherited']);
* Registers a custom repository class for the document class.
* @psalm-param class-string|null $repositoryClassName
public function setCustomRepositoryClass(?string $repositoryClassName): void
if ($this->isEmbeddedDocument || $this->isQueryResultDocument) {
$this->customRepositoryClassName = $repositoryClassName;
* Dispatches the lifecycle event of the given document by invoking all
* registered callbacks.
* @param mixed[]|null $arguments
* @throws InvalidArgumentException If document class is not this class or
* a Proxy of this class.
public function invokeLifecycleCallbacks(string $event, object $document, ?array $arguments = null): void
if ($this->isView()) {
if (! $document instanceof $this->name) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected document class "%s"; found: "%s"', $this->name, get_class($document)));
if (empty($this->lifecycleCallbacks[$event])) {
foreach ($this->lifecycleCallbacks[$event] as $callback) {
if ($arguments !== null) {
} else {
* Checks whether the class has callbacks registered for a lifecycle event.
public function hasLifecycleCallbacks(string $event): bool
return ! empty($this->lifecycleCallbacks[$event]);
* Gets the registered lifecycle callbacks for an event.
* @return list<string>
public function getLifecycleCallbacks(string $event): array
return $this->lifecycleCallbacks[$event] ?? [];
* Adds a lifecycle callback for documents of this class.
* If the callback is already registered, this is a NOOP.
public function addLifecycleCallback(string $callback, string $event): void
if (isset($this->lifecycleCallbacks[$event]) && in_array($callback, $this->lifecycleCallbacks[$event])) {
$this->lifecycleCallbacks[$event][] = $callback;
* Sets the lifecycle callbacks for documents of this class.
* Any previously registered callbacks are overwritten.
* @param array<string, list<string>> $callbacks
public function setLifecycleCallbacks(array $callbacks): void
$this->lifecycleCallbacks = $callbacks;
* Registers a method for loading document data before field hydration.
* Note: A method may be registered multiple times for different fields.
* it will be invoked only once for the first field found.
* @param array<string, mixed>|string $fields Database field name(s)
public function registerAlsoLoadMethod(string $method, $fields): void
$this->alsoLoadMethods[$method] = is_array($fields) ? $fields : [$fields];
* Sets the AlsoLoad methods for documents of this class.
* Any previously registered methods are overwritten.
* @param array<string, mixed[]> $methods
public function setAlsoLoadMethods(array $methods): void
$this->alsoLoadMethods = $methods;
* Sets the discriminator field.
* The field name is the the unmapped database field. Discriminator values
* are only used to discern the hydration class and are not mapped to class
* properties.
* @param array<string, mixed>|string|null $discriminatorField
* @psalm-param array{name?: string, fieldName?: string}|string|null $discriminatorField
* @throws MappingException If the discriminator field conflicts with the
* "name" attribute of a mapped field.
public function setDiscriminatorField($discriminatorField): void
if ($this->isFile) {
throw MappingException::discriminatorNotAllowedForGridFS($this->name);
if ($discriminatorField === null) {
$this->discriminatorField = null;
// @todo: deprecate, document and remove this:
// Handle array argument with name/fieldName keys for BC
if (is_array($discriminatorField)) {
if (isset($discriminatorField['name'])) {
$discriminatorField = $discriminatorField['name'];
} elseif (isset($discriminatorField['fieldName'])) {
$discriminatorField = $discriminatorField['fieldName'];
foreach ($this->fieldMappings as $fieldMapping) {
if ($discriminatorField === $fieldMapping['name']) {
throw MappingException::discriminatorFieldConflict($this->name, $discriminatorField);
$this->discriminatorField = $discriminatorField;
* Sets the discriminator values used by this class.
* Used for JOINED and SINGLE_TABLE inheritance mapping strategies.
* @param array<string, class-string> $map
* @throws MappingException
public function setDiscriminatorMap(array $map): void
if ($this->isFile) {
throw MappingException::discriminatorNotAllowedForGridFS($this->name);
$this->subClasses = [];
$this->discriminatorMap = [];
$this->discriminatorValue = null;
foreach ($map as $value => $className) {
$this->discriminatorMap[$value] = $className;
if ($this->name === $className) {
$this->discriminatorValue = $value;
} else {
if (! class_exists($className)) {
throw MappingException::invalidClassInDiscriminatorMap($className, $this->name);
if (is_subclass_of($className, $this->name)) {
$this->subClasses[] = $className;
* Sets the default discriminator value to be used for this class
* Used for SINGLE_TABLE inheritance mapping strategies if the document has no discriminator value
* @throws MappingException
public function setDefaultDiscriminatorValue(?string $defaultDiscriminatorValue): void
if ($this->isFile) {
throw MappingException::discriminatorNotAllowedForGridFS($this->name);
if ($defaultDiscriminatorValue === null) {
$this->defaultDiscriminatorValue = null;
if (! array_key_exists($defaultDiscriminatorValue, $this->discriminatorMap)) {
throw MappingException::invalidDiscriminatorValue($defaultDiscriminatorValue, $this->name);
$this->defaultDiscriminatorValue = $defaultDiscriminatorValue;
* Sets the discriminator value for this class.
* Used for JOINED/SINGLE_TABLE inheritance and multiple document types in a single
* collection.
* @throws MappingException
public function setDiscriminatorValue(string $value): void
if ($this->isFile) {
throw MappingException::discriminatorNotAllowedForGridFS($this->name);
$this->discriminatorMap[$value] = $this->name;
$this->discriminatorValue = $value;
* Add a index for this Document.
* @param array<string, int|string> $keys
* @psalm-param IndexKeys $keys
* @psalm-param IndexOptions $options
public function addIndex(array $keys, array $options = []): void
$this->indexes[] = [
'keys' => array_map(static function ($value) {
if ($value === 1 || $value === -1) {
return $value;
if (is_string($value)) {
$lower = strtolower($value);
if ($lower === 'asc') {
return 1;
if ($lower === 'desc') {
return -1;
return $value;
}, $keys),
'options' => $options,
* Returns the array of indexes for this Document.
* @psalm-return array<IndexMapping>
public function getIndexes(): array
return $this->indexes;
* Checks whether this document has indexes or not.
public function hasIndexes(): bool
return $this->indexes !== [];
* Set shard key for this Document.
* @param array<string, string|int> $keys
* @param array<string, mixed> $options
* @psalm-param ShardKeys $keys
* @psalm-param ShardOptions $options
* @throws MappingException
public function setShardKey(array $keys, array $options = []): void
if ($this->inheritanceType === self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_COLLECTION && $this->shardKey !== []) {
throw MappingException::shardKeyInSingleCollInheritanceSubclass($this->getName());
if ($this->isEmbeddedDocument) {
throw MappingException::embeddedDocumentCantHaveShardKey($this->getName());
foreach (array_keys($keys) as $field) {
if (! isset($this->fieldMappings[$field])) {
if (in_array($this->fieldMappings[$field]['type'], [self::MANY, Type::COLLECTION])) {
throw MappingException::noMultiKeyShardKeys($this->getName(), $field);
if ($this->fieldMappings[$field]['strategy'] !== self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET) {
throw MappingException::onlySetStrategyAllowedInShardKey($this->getName(), $field);
$this->shardKey = [
'keys' => array_map(static function ($value) {
if ($value === 1 || $value === -1) {
return $value;
if (is_string($value)) {
$lower = strtolower($value);
if ($lower === 'asc') {
return 1;
if ($lower === 'desc') {
return -1;
return $value;
}, $keys),
'options' => $options,
/** @psalm-return ShardKey */
public function getShardKey(): array
return $this->shardKey;
* Checks whether this document has shard key or not.
public function isSharded(): bool
return $this->shardKey !== [];
* @return array|object|null
* @psalm-return array<string, mixed>|object|null
public function getValidator()
return $this->validator;
* @param array|object|null $validator
* @psalm-param array<string, mixed>|object|null $validator
public function setValidator($validator): void
$this->validator = $validator;
public function getValidationAction(): string
return $this->validationAction;
public function setValidationAction(string $validationAction): void
$this->validationAction = $validationAction;
public function getValidationLevel(): string
return $this->validationLevel;
public function setValidationLevel(string $validationLevel): void
$this->validationLevel = $validationLevel;
* Sets the read preference used by this class.
* @param array<array<string, string>> $tags
public function setReadPreference(?string $readPreference, array $tags): void
$this->readPreference = $readPreference;
$this->readPreferenceTags = $tags;
* Sets the write concern used by this class.
* @param string|int|null $writeConcern
public function setWriteConcern($writeConcern): void
$this->writeConcern = $writeConcern;
/** @return int|string|null */
public function getWriteConcern()
return $this->writeConcern;
* Whether there is a write concern configured for this class.
public function hasWriteConcern(): bool
return $this->writeConcern !== null;
* Sets the change tracking policy used by this class.
public function setChangeTrackingPolicy(int $policy): void
$this->changeTrackingPolicy = $policy;
* Whether the change tracking policy of this class is "deferred explicit".
public function isChangeTrackingDeferredExplicit(): bool
return $this->changeTrackingPolicy === self::CHANGETRACKING_DEFERRED_EXPLICIT;
* Whether the change tracking policy of this class is "deferred implicit".
public function isChangeTrackingDeferredImplicit(): bool
return $this->changeTrackingPolicy === self::CHANGETRACKING_DEFERRED_IMPLICIT;
* Whether the change tracking policy of this class is "notify".
* @deprecated This method was deprecated in doctrine/mongodb-odm 2.4. Please use DEFERRED_EXPLICIT tracking
* policy and isChangeTrackingDeferredImplicit method to detect it.
public function isChangeTrackingNotify(): bool
return $this->changeTrackingPolicy === self::CHANGETRACKING_NOTIFY;
* Gets the ReflectionProperties of the mapped class.
* @return ReflectionProperty[]
public function getReflectionProperties(): array
return $this->reflFields;
* Gets a ReflectionProperty for a specific field of the mapped class.
public function getReflectionProperty(string $name): ReflectionProperty
return $this->reflFields[$name];
/** @psalm-return class-string<T> */
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
* Returns the database this Document is mapped to.
public function getDatabase(): ?string
return $this->db;
* Set the database this Document is mapped to.
public function setDatabase(?string $db): void
$this->db = $db;
* Get the collection this Document is mapped to.
public function getCollection(): string
return $this->collection;
* Sets the collection this Document is mapped to.
* @param array|string $name
* @psalm-param array{name: string, capped?: bool, size?: int, max?: int}|string $name
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function setCollection($name): void
if (is_array($name)) {
if (! isset($name['name'])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('A name key is required when passing an array to setCollection()');
$this->collectionCapped = $name['capped'] ?? false;
$this->collectionSize = $name['size'] ?? 0;
$this->collectionMax = $name['max'] ?? 0;
$this->collection = $name['name'];
} else {
$this->collection = $name;
public function getBucketName(): ?string
return $this->bucketName;
public function setBucketName(string $bucketName): void
$this->bucketName = $bucketName;
$this->setCollection($bucketName . '.files');
public function getChunkSizeBytes(): ?int
return $this->chunkSizeBytes;
public function setChunkSizeBytes(int $chunkSizeBytes): void
$this->chunkSizeBytes = $chunkSizeBytes;
* Get whether or not the documents collection is capped.
public function getCollectionCapped(): bool
return $this->collectionCapped;
* Set whether or not the documents collection is capped.
public function setCollectionCapped(bool $bool): void
$this->collectionCapped = $bool;
* Get the collection size
public function getCollectionSize(): ?int
return $this->collectionSize;
* Set the collection size.
public function setCollectionSize(int $size): void
$this->collectionSize = $size;
* Get the collection max.
public function getCollectionMax(): ?int
return $this->collectionMax;
* Set the collection max.
public function setCollectionMax(int $max): void
$this->collectionMax = $max;
* Returns TRUE if this Document is mapped to a collection FALSE otherwise.
public function isMappedToCollection(): bool
return $this->collection !== '' && $this->collection !== null;
* Validates the storage strategy of a mapping for consistency
* @psalm-param FieldMappingConfig $mapping
* @throws MappingException
private function applyStorageStrategy(array &$mapping): void
if (! isset($mapping['type']) || isset($mapping['id'])) {
switch (true) {
case $mapping['type'] === self::MANY:
$defaultStrategy = CollectionHelper::DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
$allowedStrategies = [
case $mapping['type'] === self::ONE:
$defaultStrategy = self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET;
$allowedStrategies = [self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET];
$defaultStrategy = self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET;
$allowedStrategies = [self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_SET];
$type = Type::getType($mapping['type']);
if ($type instanceof Incrementable) {
$allowedStrategies[] = self::STORAGE_STRATEGY_INCREMENT;
if (! isset($mapping['strategy'])) {
$mapping['strategy'] = $defaultStrategy;
if (! in_array($mapping['strategy'], $allowedStrategies)) {
throw MappingException::invalidStorageStrategy($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['type'], $mapping['strategy']);
if (
isset($mapping['reference']) && $mapping['type'] === self::MANY && $mapping['isOwningSide']
&& ! empty($mapping['sort']) && ! CollectionHelper::usesSet($mapping['strategy'])
) {
throw MappingException::referenceManySortMustNotBeUsedWithNonSetCollectionStrategy($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['strategy']);
* Map a single embedded document.
* @psalm-param FieldMappingConfig $mapping
public function mapOneEmbedded(array $mapping): void
$mapping['embedded'] = true;
$mapping['type'] = self::ONE;
* Map a collection of embedded documents.
* @psalm-param FieldMappingConfig $mapping
public function mapManyEmbedded(array $mapping): void
$mapping['embedded'] = true;
$mapping['type'] = self::MANY;
* Map a single document reference.
* @psalm-param FieldMappingConfig $mapping
public function mapOneReference(array $mapping): void
$mapping['reference'] = true;
$mapping['type'] = self::ONE;
* Map a collection of document references.
* @psalm-param FieldMappingConfig $mapping
public function mapManyReference(array $mapping): void
$mapping['reference'] = true;
$mapping['type'] = self::MANY;
* Adds a field mapping without completing/validating it.
* This is mainly used to add inherited field mappings to derived classes.
* @internal
* @psalm-param FieldMapping $fieldMapping
public function addInheritedFieldMapping(array $fieldMapping): void
$this->fieldMappings[$fieldMapping['fieldName']] = $fieldMapping;
if (! isset($fieldMapping['association'])) {
$this->associationMappings[$fieldMapping['fieldName']] = $fieldMapping;
* Adds an association mapping without completing/validating it.
* This is mainly used to add inherited association mappings to derived classes.
* @internal
* @psalm-param AssociationFieldMapping $mapping
* @throws MappingException
public function addInheritedAssociationMapping(array $mapping): void
$this->associationMappings[$mapping['fieldName']] = $mapping;
* Checks whether the class has a mapped association with the given field name.
public function hasReference(string $fieldName): bool
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['reference']);
* Checks whether the class has a mapped embed with the given field name.
public function hasEmbed(string $fieldName): bool
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['embedded']);
* Checks whether the class has a mapped association (embed or reference) with the given field name.
* @param string $fieldName
public function hasAssociation($fieldName): bool
return $this->hasReference($fieldName) || $this->hasEmbed($fieldName);
* Checks whether the class has a mapped reference or embed for the specified field and
* is a single valued association.
* @param string $fieldName
public function isSingleValuedAssociation($fieldName): bool
return $this->isSingleValuedReference($fieldName) || $this->isSingleValuedEmbed($fieldName);
* Checks whether the class has a mapped reference or embed for the specified field and
* is a collection valued association.
* @param string $fieldName
public function isCollectionValuedAssociation($fieldName): bool
return $this->isCollectionValuedReference($fieldName) || $this->isCollectionValuedEmbed($fieldName);
* Checks whether the class has a mapped association for the specified field
* and if yes, checks whether it is a single-valued association (to-one).
public function isSingleValuedReference(string $fieldName): bool
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['association']) &&
$this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['association'] === self::REFERENCE_ONE;
* Checks whether the class has a mapped association for the specified field
* and if yes, checks whether it is a collection-valued association (to-many).
public function isCollectionValuedReference(string $fieldName): bool
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['association']) &&
$this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['association'] === self::REFERENCE_MANY;
* Checks whether the class has a mapped embedded document for the specified field
* and if yes, checks whether it is a single-valued association (to-one).
public function isSingleValuedEmbed(string $fieldName): bool
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['association']) &&
$this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['association'] === self::EMBED_ONE;
* Checks whether the class has a mapped embedded document for the specified field
* and if yes, checks whether it is a collection-valued association (to-many).
public function isCollectionValuedEmbed(string $fieldName): bool
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['association']) &&
$this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['association'] === self::EMBED_MANY;
* Sets the ID generator used to generate IDs for instances of this class.
public function setIdGenerator(IdGenerator $generator): void
$this->idGenerator = $generator;
* Casts the identifier to its portable PHP type.
* @param mixed $id
* @return mixed $id
public function getPHPIdentifierValue($id)
$idType = $this->fieldMappings[$this->identifier]['type'];
return Type::getType($idType)->convertToPHPValue($id);
* Casts the identifier to its database type.
* @param mixed $id
* @return mixed $id
public function getDatabaseIdentifierValue($id)
$idType = $this->fieldMappings[$this->identifier]['type'];
return Type::getType($idType)->convertToDatabaseValue($id);
* Sets the document identifier of a document.
* The value will be converted to a PHP type before being set.
* @param mixed $id
public function setIdentifierValue(object $document, $id): void
$id = $this->getPHPIdentifierValue($id);
$this->reflFields[$this->identifier]->setValue($document, $id);
* Gets the document identifier as a PHP type.
* @return mixed $id
public function getIdentifierValue(object $document)
return $this->reflFields[$this->identifier]->getValue($document);
* Since MongoDB only allows exactly one identifier field this is a proxy
* to {@see getIdentifierValue()} and returns an array with the identifier
* field as a key.
* @param object $object
public function getIdentifierValues($object): array
return [$this->identifier => $this->getIdentifierValue($object)];
* Get the document identifier object as a database type.
* @return mixed $id
public function getIdentifierObject(object $document)
return $this->getDatabaseIdentifierValue($this->getIdentifierValue($document));
* Sets the specified field to the specified value on the given document.
* @param mixed $value
public function setFieldValue(object $document, string $field, $value): void
if ($document instanceof GhostObjectInterface && ! $document->isProxyInitialized()) {
//property changes to an uninitialized proxy will not be tracked or persisted,
//so the proxy needs to be loaded first.
$this->reflFields[$field]->setValue($document, $value);
* Gets the specified field's value off the given document.
* @return mixed
public function getFieldValue(object $document, string $field)
if ($document instanceof GhostObjectInterface && $field !== $this->identifier && ! $document->isProxyInitialized()) {
return $this->reflFields[$field]->getValue($document);
* Gets the mapping of a field.
* @psalm-return FieldMapping
* @throws MappingException If the $fieldName is not found in the fieldMappings array.
public function getFieldMapping(string $fieldName): array
if (! isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName])) {
throw MappingException::mappingNotFound($this->name, $fieldName);
return $this->fieldMappings[$fieldName];
* Gets mappings of fields holding embedded document(s).
* @psalm-return array<string, FieldMapping>
public function getEmbeddedFieldsMappings(): array
return array_filter(
static fn ($assoc) => ! empty($assoc['embedded'])
* Gets the field mapping by its DB name.
* E.g. it returns identifier's mapping when called with _id.
* @psalm-return FieldMapping
* @throws MappingException
public function getFieldMappingByDbFieldName(string $dbFieldName): array
foreach ($this->fieldMappings as $mapping) {
if ($mapping['name'] === $dbFieldName) {
return $mapping;
throw MappingException::mappingNotFoundByDbName($this->name, $dbFieldName);
* Check if the field is not null.
public function isNullable(string $fieldName): bool
$mapping = $this->getFieldMapping($fieldName);
return isset($mapping['nullable']) && $mapping['nullable'] === true;
* Checks whether the document has a discriminator field and value configured.
public function hasDiscriminator(): bool
return isset($this->discriminatorField, $this->discriminatorValue);
* Sets the type of Id generator to use for the mapped class.
public function setIdGeneratorType(int $generatorType): void
$this->generatorType = $generatorType;
* Sets the Id generator options.
* @param array<string, mixed> $generatorOptions
public function setIdGeneratorOptions(array $generatorOptions): void
$this->generatorOptions = $generatorOptions;
public function isInheritanceTypeNone(): bool
return $this->inheritanceType === self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE;
* Checks whether the mapped class uses the SINGLE_COLLECTION inheritance mapping strategy.
public function isInheritanceTypeSingleCollection(): bool
return $this->inheritanceType === self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_COLLECTION;
* Checks whether the mapped class uses the COLLECTION_PER_CLASS inheritance mapping strategy.
public function isInheritanceTypeCollectionPerClass(): bool
return $this->inheritanceType === self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_COLLECTION_PER_CLASS;
* Sets the mapped subclasses of this class.
* @param string[] $subclasses The names of all mapped subclasses.
* @psalm-param class-string[] $subclasses
public function setSubclasses(array $subclasses): void
foreach ($subclasses as $subclass) {
$this->subClasses[] = $subclass;
* Sets the parent class names.
* Assumes that the class names in the passed array are in the order:
* directParent -> directParentParent -> directParentParentParent ... -> root.
* @param string[] $classNames
* @psalm-param list<class-string> $classNames
public function setParentClasses(array $classNames): void
$this->parentClasses = $classNames;
if (count($classNames) <= 0) {
$this->rootDocumentName = (string) array_pop($classNames);
* Checks whether the class will generate a new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId instance for us.
public function isIdGeneratorAuto(): bool
return $this->generatorType === self::GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO;
* Checks whether the class will use a collection to generate incremented identifiers.
public function isIdGeneratorIncrement(): bool
return $this->generatorType === self::GENERATOR_TYPE_INCREMENT;
* Checks whether the class will generate a uuid id.
public function isIdGeneratorUuid(): bool
return $this->generatorType === self::GENERATOR_TYPE_UUID;
* Checks whether the class uses no id generator.
public function isIdGeneratorNone(): bool
return $this->generatorType === self::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE;
* Sets the version field mapping used for versioning. Sets the default
* value to use depending on the column type.
* @psalm-param FieldMapping $mapping
* @throws LockException
public function setVersionMapping(array &$mapping): void
if (! Type::getType($mapping['type']) instanceof Versionable) {
throw LockException::invalidVersionFieldType($mapping['type']);
$this->isVersioned = true;
$this->versionField = $mapping['fieldName'];
* Sets whether this class is to be versioned for optimistic locking.
public function setVersioned(bool $bool): void
$this->isVersioned = $bool;
* Sets the name of the field that is to be used for versioning if this class is
* versioned for optimistic locking.
public function setVersionField(?string $versionField): void
$this->versionField = $versionField;
* Sets the version field mapping used for versioning. Sets the default
* value to use depending on the column type.
* @psalm-param FieldMapping $mapping
* @throws LockException
public function setLockMapping(array &$mapping): void
if ($mapping['type'] !== 'int') {
throw LockException::invalidLockFieldType($mapping['type']);
$this->isLockable = true;
$this->lockField = $mapping['fieldName'];
* Sets whether this class is to allow pessimistic locking.
public function setLockable(bool $bool): void
$this->isLockable = $bool;
* Sets the name of the field that is to be used for storing whether a document
* is currently locked or not.
public function setLockField(string $lockField): void
$this->lockField = $lockField;
* Marks this class as read only, no change tracking is applied to it.
public function markReadOnly(): void
$this->isReadOnly = true;
public function getRootClass(): ?string
return $this->rootClass;
public function isView(): bool
return $this->isView;
/** @psalm-param class-string $rootClass */
public function markViewOf(string $rootClass): void
$this->isView = true;
$this->rootClass = $rootClass;
public function getFieldNames(): array
return array_keys($this->fieldMappings);
public function getAssociationNames(): array
return array_keys($this->associationMappings);
/** @param string $fieldName */
public function getTypeOfField($fieldName): ?string
return isset($this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]) ?
$this->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['type'] : null;
* @param string $assocName
* @psalm-return class-string|null
public function getAssociationTargetClass($assocName): ?string
if (! isset($this->associationMappings[$assocName])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Association name expected, '" . $assocName . "' is not an association.");
return $this->associationMappings[$assocName]['targetDocument'] ?? null;
* Retrieve the collectionClass associated with an association
* @psalm-return class-string
public function getAssociationCollectionClass(string $assocName): string
if (! isset($this->associationMappings[$assocName])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Association name expected, '" . $assocName . "' is not an association.");
if (! array_key_exists('collectionClass', $this->associationMappings[$assocName])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("collectionClass can only be applied to 'embedMany' and 'referenceMany' associations.");
return $this->associationMappings[$assocName]['collectionClass'];
/** @param string $assocName */
public function isAssociationInverseSide($assocName): bool
throw new BadMethodCallException(__METHOD__ . '() is not implemented yet.');
/** @param string $assocName */
public function getAssociationMappedByTargetField($assocName)
throw new BadMethodCallException(__METHOD__ . '() is not implemented yet.');
* Map a field.
* @psalm-param FieldMappingConfig $mapping
* @psalm-return FieldMapping
* @throws MappingException
public function mapField(array $mapping): array
if (! isset($mapping['fieldName']) && isset($mapping['name'])) {
$mapping['fieldName'] = $mapping['name'];
if ($this->isTypedProperty($mapping['fieldName'])) {
$mapping = $this->validateAndCompleteTypedFieldMapping($mapping);
if (isset($mapping['type']) && $mapping['type'] === self::MANY) {
$mapping = $this->validateAndCompleteTypedManyAssociationMapping($mapping);
if (! isset($mapping['fieldName']) || ! is_string($mapping['fieldName'])) {
throw MappingException::missingFieldName($this->name);
if (! isset($mapping['name'])) {
$mapping['name'] = $mapping['fieldName'];
if ($this->identifier === $mapping['name'] && empty($mapping['id'])) {
throw MappingException::mustNotChangeIdentifierFieldsType($this->name, (string) $mapping['name']);
if ($this->discriminatorField !== null && $this->discriminatorField === $mapping['name']) {
throw MappingException::discriminatorFieldConflict($this->name, $this->discriminatorField);
if (isset($mapping['collectionClass'])) {
$mapping['collectionClass'] = ltrim($mapping['collectionClass'], '\\');
if (! empty($mapping['collectionClass'])) {
$rColl = new ReflectionClass($mapping['collectionClass']);
if (! $rColl->implementsInterface(Collection::class)) {
throw MappingException::collectionClassDoesNotImplementCommonInterface($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['collectionClass']);
if (isset($mapping['cascade']) && isset($mapping['embedded'])) {
throw MappingException::cascadeOnEmbeddedNotAllowed($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
$cascades = isset($mapping['cascade']) ? array_map('strtolower', (array) $mapping['cascade']) : [];
if (in_array('all', $cascades) || isset($mapping['embedded'])) {
$cascades = ['remove', 'persist', 'refresh', 'merge', 'detach'];
if (isset($mapping['embedded'])) {
} elseif (isset($mapping['cascade'])) {
$mapping['cascade'] = $cascades;
$mapping['isCascadeRemove'] = in_array('remove', $cascades);
$mapping['isCascadePersist'] = in_array('persist', $cascades);
$mapping['isCascadeRefresh'] = in_array('refresh', $cascades);
$mapping['isCascadeMerge'] = in_array('merge', $cascades);
$mapping['isCascadeDetach'] = in_array('detach', $cascades);
if (isset($mapping['id']) && $mapping['id'] === true) {
$mapping['name'] = '_id';
$this->identifier = $mapping['fieldName'];
if (isset($mapping['strategy'])) {
$this->generatorType = constant(self::class . '::GENERATOR_TYPE_' . strtoupper($mapping['strategy']));
$this->generatorOptions = $mapping['options'] ?? [];
switch ($this->generatorType) {
$mapping['type'] = 'id';
if (! empty($this->generatorOptions['type'])) {
$mapping['type'] = (string) $this->generatorOptions['type'];
} elseif (empty($mapping['type'])) {
$mapping['type'] = $this->generatorType === self::GENERATOR_TYPE_INCREMENT ? Type::INT : Type::CUSTOMID;
if (! isset($mapping['type'])) {
// Default to string
$mapping['type'] = Type::STRING;
if (! isset($mapping['nullable'])) {
$mapping['nullable'] = false;
if (
&& isset($mapping['storeAs'])
&& $mapping['storeAs'] === self::REFERENCE_STORE_AS_ID
&& ! isset($mapping['targetDocument'])
) {
throw MappingException::simpleReferenceRequiresTargetDocument($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
if (
isset($mapping['reference']) && empty($mapping['targetDocument']) && empty($mapping['discriminatorMap']) &&
(isset($mapping['mappedBy']) || isset($mapping['inversedBy']))
) {
throw MappingException::owningAndInverseReferencesRequireTargetDocument($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
if ($this->isEmbeddedDocument && $mapping['type'] === self::MANY && isset($mapping['strategy']) && CollectionHelper::isAtomic($mapping['strategy'])) {
throw MappingException::atomicCollectionStrategyNotAllowed($mapping['strategy'], $this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
if (isset($mapping['repositoryMethod']) && ! (empty($mapping['skip']) && empty($mapping['limit']) && empty($mapping['sort']))) {
throw MappingException::repositoryMethodCanNotBeCombinedWithSkipLimitAndSort($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
if (isset($mapping['targetDocument']) && isset($mapping['discriminatorMap'])) {
'Mapping both "targetDocument" and "discriminatorMap" on field "%s" in class "%s" is deprecated. Only one of them can be used at a time',
if (isset($mapping['reference']) && $mapping['type'] === self::ONE) {
$mapping['association'] = self::REFERENCE_ONE;
if (isset($mapping['reference']) && $mapping['type'] === self::MANY) {
$mapping['association'] = self::REFERENCE_MANY;
if (isset($mapping['embedded']) && $mapping['type'] === self::ONE) {
$mapping['association'] = self::EMBED_ONE;
if (isset($mapping['embedded']) && $mapping['type'] === self::MANY) {
$mapping['association'] = self::EMBED_MANY;
if (isset($mapping['association']) && ! isset($mapping['targetDocument']) && ! isset($mapping['discriminatorField'])) {
$mapping['discriminatorField'] = self::DEFAULT_DISCRIMINATOR_FIELD;
if (isset($mapping['targetDocument']) && ! class_exists($mapping['targetDocument']) && ! interface_exists($mapping['targetDocument'])) {
throw MappingException::invalidTargetDocument(
if (isset($mapping['discriminatorMap'])) {
foreach ($mapping['discriminatorMap'] as $value => $class) {
if (! class_exists($class) && ! interface_exists($class)) {
throw MappingException::invalidClassInReferenceDiscriminatorMap($class, $this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
if (isset($mapping['version'])) {
$mapping['notSaved'] = true;
if (isset($mapping['lock'])) {
$mapping['notSaved'] = true;
$mapping['isOwningSide'] = true;
$mapping['isInverseSide'] = false;
if (isset($mapping['reference'])) {
if (isset($mapping['inversedBy']) && $mapping['inversedBy']) {
$mapping['isOwningSide'] = true;
$mapping['isInverseSide'] = false;
if (isset($mapping['mappedBy']) && $mapping['mappedBy']) {
$mapping['isInverseSide'] = true;
$mapping['isOwningSide'] = false;
if (isset($mapping['repositoryMethod'])) {
$mapping['isInverseSide'] = true;
$mapping['isOwningSide'] = false;
if (! isset($mapping['orphanRemoval'])) {
$mapping['orphanRemoval'] = false;
if (! empty($mapping['prime']) && ($mapping['association'] !== self::REFERENCE_MANY || ! $mapping['isInverseSide'])) {
throw MappingException::referencePrimersOnlySupportedForInverseReferenceMany($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
if ($this->isFile && ! $this->isAllowedGridFSField($mapping['name'])) {
throw MappingException::fieldNotAllowedForGridFS($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
$deprecatedTypes = [
Type::BOOLEAN => Type::BOOL,
Type::INTEGER => Type::INT,
Type::INTID => Type::INT,
if (isset($deprecatedTypes[$mapping['type']])) {
'The "%s" mapping type is deprecated. Use "%s" instead.',
$this->fieldMappings[$mapping['fieldName']] = $mapping;
if (isset($mapping['association'])) {
$this->associationMappings[$mapping['fieldName']] = $mapping;
$reflProp = $this->reflectionService->getAccessibleProperty($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
assert($reflProp instanceof ReflectionProperty);
if (isset($mapping['enumType'])) {
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100) {
throw MappingException::enumsRequirePhp81($this->name, $mapping['fieldName']);
if (! enum_exists($mapping['enumType'])) {
throw MappingException::nonEnumTypeMapped($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['enumType']);
$reflectionEnum = new ReflectionEnum($mapping['enumType']);
if (! $reflectionEnum->isBacked()) {
throw MappingException::nonBackedEnumMapped($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['enumType']);
$reflProp = new EnumReflectionProperty($reflProp, $mapping['enumType']);
$this->reflFields[$mapping['fieldName']] = $reflProp;
return $mapping;
* Determines which fields get serialized.
* It is only serialized what is necessary for best unserialization performance.
* That means any metadata properties that are not set or empty or simply have
* their default value are NOT serialized.
* Parts that are also NOT serialized because they can not be properly unserialized:
* - reflClass (ReflectionClass)
* - reflFields (ReflectionProperty array)
* @return array The names of all the fields that should be serialized.
public function __sleep()
// This metadata is always serialized/cached.
$serialized = [
// The rest of the metadata is only serialized if necessary.
if ($this->changeTrackingPolicy !== self::CHANGETRACKING_DEFERRED_IMPLICIT) {
$serialized[] = 'changeTrackingPolicy';
if ($this->customRepositoryClassName) {
$serialized[] = 'customRepositoryClassName';
if ($this->inheritanceType !== self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE || $this->discriminatorField !== null) {
$serialized[] = 'inheritanceType';
$serialized[] = 'discriminatorField';
$serialized[] = 'discriminatorValue';
$serialized[] = 'discriminatorMap';
$serialized[] = 'defaultDiscriminatorValue';
$serialized[] = 'parentClasses';
$serialized[] = 'subClasses';
if ($this->isMappedSuperclass) {
$serialized[] = 'isMappedSuperclass';
if ($this->isEmbeddedDocument) {
$serialized[] = 'isEmbeddedDocument';
if ($this->isQueryResultDocument) {
$serialized[] = 'isQueryResultDocument';
if ($this->isView()) {
$serialized[] = 'isView';
$serialized[] = 'rootClass';
if ($this->isFile) {
$serialized[] = 'isFile';
$serialized[] = 'bucketName';
$serialized[] = 'chunkSizeBytes';
if ($this->isVersioned) {
$serialized[] = 'isVersioned';
$serialized[] = 'versionField';
if ($this->isLockable) {
$serialized[] = 'isLockable';
$serialized[] = 'lockField';
if ($this->lifecycleCallbacks) {
$serialized[] = 'lifecycleCallbacks';
if ($this->collectionCapped) {
$serialized[] = 'collectionCapped';
$serialized[] = 'collectionSize';
$serialized[] = 'collectionMax';
if ($this->isReadOnly) {
$serialized[] = 'isReadOnly';
if ($this->validator !== null) {
$serialized[] = 'validator';
$serialized[] = 'validationAction';
$serialized[] = 'validationLevel';
return $serialized;
* Restores some state that can not be serialized/unserialized.
public function __wakeup()
// Restore ReflectionClass and properties
$this->reflectionService = new RuntimeReflectionService();
$this->reflClass = new ReflectionClass($this->name);
$this->instantiator = new Instantiator();
foreach ($this->fieldMappings as $field => $mapping) {
$prop = $this->reflectionService->getAccessibleProperty($mapping['declared'] ?? $this->name, $field);
assert($prop instanceof ReflectionProperty);
if (isset($mapping['enumType'])) {
$prop = new EnumReflectionProperty($prop, $mapping['enumType']);
$this->reflFields[$field] = $prop;
* Creates a new instance of the mapped class, without invoking the constructor.
* @psalm-return T
public function newInstance(): object
/** @psalm-var T */
return $this->instantiator->instantiate($this->name);
private function isAllowedGridFSField(string $name): bool
return in_array($name, self::ALLOWED_GRIDFS_FIELDS, true);
/** @psalm-param FieldMapping $mapping */
private function typeRequirementsAreMet(array $mapping): void
if ($mapping['type'] === Type::DECIMAL128 && ! extension_loaded('bcmath')) {
throw MappingException::typeRequirementsNotFulfilled($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], Type::DECIMAL128, 'ext-bcmath is missing');
/** @psalm-param FieldMapping $mapping */
private function checkDuplicateMapping(array $mapping): void
if ($mapping['notSaved'] ?? false) {
foreach ($this->fieldMappings as $fieldName => $otherMapping) {
// Ignore fields with the same name - we can safely override their mapping
if ($mapping['fieldName'] === $fieldName) {
// Ignore fields with a different name in the database
if ($mapping['name'] !== $otherMapping['name']) {
// If the other field is not saved, ignore it as well
if ($otherMapping['notSaved'] ?? false) {
throw MappingException::duplicateDatabaseFieldName($this->getName(), $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['name'], $fieldName);
private function isTypedProperty(string $name): bool
return $this->reflClass->hasProperty($name)
&& $this->reflClass->getProperty($name)->hasType();
* Validates & completes the given field mapping based on typed property.
* @psalm-param FieldMappingConfig $mapping
* @return FieldMappingConfig
private function validateAndCompleteTypedFieldMapping(array $mapping): array
$type = $this->reflClass->getProperty($mapping['fieldName'])->getType();
if (! $type instanceof ReflectionNamedType || isset($mapping['type'])) {
return $mapping;
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 80100 && ! $type->isBuiltin() && enum_exists($type->getName())) {
$mapping['enumType'] = $type->getName();
$reflection = new ReflectionEnum($type->getName());
$type = $reflection->getBackingType();
if ($type === null) {
throw MappingException::nonBackedEnumMapped($this->name, $mapping['fieldName'], $mapping['enumType']);
assert($type instanceof ReflectionNamedType);
switch ($type->getName()) {
case DateTime::class:
$mapping['type'] = Type::DATE;
case DateTimeImmutable::class:
$mapping['type'] = Type::DATE_IMMUTABLE;
case 'array':
$mapping['type'] = Type::HASH;
case 'bool':
$mapping['type'] = Type::BOOL;
case 'float':
$mapping['type'] = Type::FLOAT;
case 'int':
$mapping['type'] = Type::INT;
case 'string':
$mapping['type'] = Type::STRING;
return $mapping;
* Validates & completes the basic mapping information based on typed property.
* @psalm-param FieldMappingConfig $mapping
* @return FieldMappingConfig
private function validateAndCompleteTypedManyAssociationMapping(array $mapping): array
$type = $this->reflClass->getProperty($mapping['fieldName'])->getType();
if (! $type instanceof ReflectionNamedType) {
return $mapping;
if (! isset($mapping['collectionClass']) && class_exists($type->getName())) {
$mapping['collectionClass'] = $type->getName();
return $mapping;