namespace JMS\Serializer\GraphNavigator;
use JMS\Serializer\Accessor\AccessorStrategyInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\Context;
use JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\ObjectEvent;
use JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\PreSerializeEvent;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\CircularReferenceDetectedException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\ExcludedClassException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\ExpressionLanguageRequiredException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\NotAcceptableException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\RuntimeException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\SkipHandlerException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exception\UninitializedPropertyException;
use JMS\Serializer\Exclusion\ExpressionLanguageExclusionStrategy;
use JMS\Serializer\Expression\ExpressionEvaluatorInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\Functions;
use JMS\Serializer\GraphNavigator;
use JMS\Serializer\GraphNavigatorInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\Handler\HandlerRegistryInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\Metadata\ClassMetadata;
use JMS\Serializer\NullAwareVisitorInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\SerializationContext;
use JMS\Serializer\Visitor\SerializationVisitorInterface;
use JMS\Serializer\VisitorInterface;
use Metadata\MetadataFactoryInterface;
use function assert;
* Handles traversal along the object graph.
* This class handles traversal along the graph, and calls different methods
* on visitors, or custom handlers to process its nodes.
* @author Johannes M. Schmitt <schmittjoh@gmail.com>
final class SerializationGraphNavigator extends GraphNavigator
* @var SerializationVisitorInterface
protected $visitor;
* @var SerializationContext
protected $context;
* @var ExpressionLanguageExclusionStrategy
private $expressionExclusionStrategy;
* @var EventDispatcherInterface
private $dispatcher;
* @var MetadataFactoryInterface
private $metadataFactory;
* @var HandlerRegistryInterface
private $handlerRegistry;
* @var AccessorStrategyInterface
private $accessor;
* @var bool
private $shouldSerializeNull;
public function __construct(
MetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory,
HandlerRegistryInterface $handlerRegistry,
AccessorStrategyInterface $accessor,
?EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher = null,
?ExpressionEvaluatorInterface $expressionEvaluator = null
) {
$this->dispatcher = $dispatcher ?: new EventDispatcher();
$this->metadataFactory = $metadataFactory;
$this->handlerRegistry = $handlerRegistry;
$this->accessor = $accessor;
if ($expressionEvaluator) {
$this->expressionExclusionStrategy = new ExpressionLanguageExclusionStrategy($expressionEvaluator);
public function initialize(VisitorInterface $visitor, Context $context): void
assert($context instanceof SerializationContext);
parent::initialize($visitor, $context);
$this->shouldSerializeNull = $context->shouldSerializeNull();
* Called for each node of the graph that is being traversed.
* @param mixed $data the data depends on the direction, and type of visitor
* @param array|null $type array has the format ["name" => string, "params" => array]
* @return mixed the return value depends on the direction, and type of visitor
public function accept($data, ?array $type = null)
// If the type was not given, we infer the most specific type from the
// input data in serialization mode.
if (null === $type) {
$typeName = \gettype($data);
if ('object' === $typeName) {
$typeName = \get_class($data);
$type = ['name' => $typeName, 'params' => []];
} elseif (null === $data) {
// If the data is null, we have to force the type to null regardless of the input in order to
// guarantee correct handling of null values, and not have any internal auto-casting behavior.
$type = ['name' => 'NULL', 'params' => []];
// Sometimes data can convey null but is not of a null type.
// Visitors can have the power to add this custom null evaluation
if ($this->visitor instanceof NullAwareVisitorInterface && true === $this->visitor->isNull($data)) {
$type = ['name' => 'NULL', 'params' => []];
switch ($type['name']) {
case 'NULL':
if (!$this->shouldSerializeNull && !$this->isRootNullAllowed()) {
throw new NotAcceptableException();
return $this->visitor->visitNull($data, $type);
case 'string':
return $this->visitor->visitString((string) $data, $type);
case 'int':
case 'integer':
return $this->visitor->visitInteger((int) $data, $type);
case 'bool':
case 'boolean':
return $this->visitor->visitBoolean((bool) $data, $type);
case 'double':
case 'float':
return $this->visitor->visitDouble((float) $data, $type);
case 'iterable':
return $this->visitor->visitArray(Functions::iterableToArray($data), $type);
case 'array':
case 'list':
return $this->visitor->visitArray((array) $data, $type);
case 'resource':
$msg = 'Resources are not supported in serialized data.';
if (null !== $path = $this->context->getPath()) {
$msg .= ' Path: ' . $path;
throw new RuntimeException($msg);
if (null !== $data) {
if ($this->context->isVisiting($data)) {
throw new CircularReferenceDetectedException();
// If we're serializing a polymorphic type, then we'll be interested in the
// metadata for the actual type of the object, not the base class.
if (class_exists($type['name'], false) || interface_exists($type['name'], false)) {
if (is_subclass_of($data, $type['name'], false) && null === $this->handlerRegistry->getHandler(GraphNavigatorInterface::DIRECTION_SERIALIZATION, $type['name'], $this->format)) {
$type = ['name' => \get_class($data), 'params' => $type['params'] ?? []];
// Trigger pre-serialization callbacks, and listeners if they exist.
// Dispatch pre-serialization event before handling data to have ability change type in listener
if ($this->dispatcher->hasListeners('serializer.pre_serialize', $type['name'], $this->format)) {
$this->dispatcher->dispatch('serializer.pre_serialize', $type['name'], $this->format, $event = new PreSerializeEvent($this->context, $data, $type));
$type = $event->getType();
// First, try whether a custom handler exists for the given type. This is done
// before loading metadata because the type name might not be a class, but
// could also simply be an artifical type.
if (null !== $handler = $this->handlerRegistry->getHandler(GraphNavigatorInterface::DIRECTION_SERIALIZATION, $type['name'], $this->format)) {
try {
$rs = \call_user_func($handler, $this->visitor, $data, $type, $this->context);
return $rs;
} catch (SkipHandlerException $e) {
// Skip handler, fallback to default behavior
} catch (NotAcceptableException $e) {
throw $e;
$metadata = $this->metadataFactory->getMetadataForClass($type['name']);
\assert($metadata instanceof ClassMetadata);
if ($metadata->usingExpression && null === $this->expressionExclusionStrategy) {
throw new ExpressionLanguageRequiredException(sprintf('To use conditional exclude/expose in %s you must configure the expression language.', $metadata->name));
if (null !== $this->exclusionStrategy && $this->exclusionStrategy->shouldSkipClass($metadata, $this->context)) {
throw new ExcludedClassException();
if (null !== $this->expressionExclusionStrategy && $this->expressionExclusionStrategy->shouldSkipClass($metadata, $this->context)) {
throw new ExcludedClassException();
if (!is_object($data)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Value at ' . $this->context->getPath() . ' is expected to be an object of class ' . $type['name'] . ' but is of type ' . gettype($data));
foreach ($metadata->preSerializeMethods as $method) {
$this->visitor->startVisitingObject($metadata, $data, $type);
foreach ($metadata->propertyMetadata as $propertyMetadata) {
if (null !== $this->exclusionStrategy && $this->exclusionStrategy->shouldSkipProperty($propertyMetadata, $this->context)) {
if (null !== $this->expressionExclusionStrategy && $this->expressionExclusionStrategy->shouldSkipProperty($propertyMetadata, $this->context)) {
try {
$v = $this->accessor->getValue($data, $propertyMetadata, $this->context);
} catch (UninitializedPropertyException $e) {
if (null === $v && true !== $this->shouldSerializeNull) {
$this->visitor->visitProperty($propertyMetadata, $v);
$this->afterVisitingObject($metadata, $data, $type);
return $this->visitor->endVisitingObject($metadata, $data, $type);
private function isRootNullAllowed(): bool
return $this->context->hasAttribute('allows_root_null') && $this->context->getAttribute('allows_root_null') && 0 === $this->context->getVisitingSet()->count();
private function afterVisitingObject(ClassMetadata $metadata, object $object, array $type): void
foreach ($metadata->postSerializeMethods as $method) {
if ($this->dispatcher->hasListeners('serializer.post_serialize', $metadata->name, $this->format)) {
$this->dispatcher->dispatch('serializer.post_serialize', $metadata->name, $this->format, new ObjectEvent($this->context, $object, $type));