Default locale
Fallback locale
Defined 127
These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
en | messages | 1 | neighborhoods.compound.label.delivered | Delivered |
en | messages | 1 | | in |
en | messages | 5 | layout.app_name | Aqarmap |
en | messages | 2 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." ] [ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." ] |
Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi. | Aqarmap Compounds Guide |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." ] |
What is the location of Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi.? |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." "%location%" => "Giza" ] |
Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi. is in Giza |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." ] |
What is the starting unit price in Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi.? |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." "%starting_price%" => "353" ] |
The starting unit price in Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi. is 353 EGP |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." ] |
What is the starting unit area size in Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi.? |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." "%starting_area%" => "80" ] |
The starting unit area size in Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi. is 80 meters |
en | messages | 1 | | When did the prices and details get updated on aqarmap? |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." "%date%" => "03/04/2023" ] |
Last update of prices and details of Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi. on 03/04/2023 |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." ] |
What is the construction status of Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi.? |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%project%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." "%status%" => "Delivered" ] |
Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi. status is Delivered |
en | messages | 3 | layout.direction_code | ltr |
en | messages | 1 | layout.homepage_description | Aqarmap is the leading Real Estate marketplace in Egypt where you can browse thousands of freshly updated properties for sale or rent, and you can advertise your properties too. |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%compound%" => "Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi." "%location%" => Proxies\__CG__\Aqarmap\Bundle\ListingBundle\Entity\Location {#6471 +__isInitialized__: true -id: 41 -title: "Giza" -alias: null -description: null -slug: "giza" -lat: null -lon: null -zoom: null -coordinates: null -searchable: true -homeFilter: false -statisticsFilter: false -neighborhoodFilter: true -compoundFilter: false -estimate: false -disabled: false -synced: false -level: 1 -left: 50 -right: 53 -root: 31 -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Aqarmap\Bundle\ListingBundle\Entity\Location {#6445 …} -children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6444 …} #nearestLocations: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6442 …} -translations: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6409 …} #listings: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6407 …} #propertyTypes: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6405 …} #companies: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6371 …} #locationSupplyDemand: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6369 …} #notifiers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6652 …} #interests: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6654 …} #rules: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6656 …} #photos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6668 …} #locationStatistics: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6670 …} #locationCompound: null #discussions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6692 …} #exchangeRequests: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6711 …} #rating: null #listing: null #searchTerms: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6723 …} -locale: null -leadsCounter: 0 -listingsCounter: 129 #file: null -keyword: null -location: null #listingInsights: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6756 …} -fullPath: null -referenceId: null -type: "" -locationTranslations: [] -v4Translations: [] #eligibleForMortgage: false -isCompoundLocation: false -childrenSortedById: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#6758 …} -listingOrNull: null …2 } ] |
Explore all details and prices in Iste et saepe ipsum eos libero sequi. Giza |
en | messages | 45 | EGP | EGP |
en | messages | 1 | notification_modal.info_message | To enable notifications, please click "Allow". |
en | messages | 1 | layout.IE_error | Sorry, your browser is outdated and does not support our website. <br/> Please open our website on <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Google Chrome</a> of <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Firefox</a>. |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.find.title | SEARCH |
en | messages | 1 | | Properties |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.find.compounds.title | Compounds |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.find.expo.title | Online Expos |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.title | KNOW |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.valuations.title | Valuations |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.prices_guide.title | Prices Guide |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.neighbors.title | Ask The Neighbors |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.top_agents.title | Top Agents |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.index.title | Real Estate Index |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.advice.title | Advice & Tips |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.market_research.title | Market Research |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.know.know_more.title | Know more.. * |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.list.title | LIST |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.list.list_home.title | List Your Property |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.list.list_company.title | List Company Properties |
en | messages | 1 | layout.countries.ksa | KSA |
en | messages | 1 | layout.countries.egypt | Egypt |
en | messages | 1 | layout.arabic | عربي |
en | messages | 1 | | Help? |
en | messages | 1 | user_control.login_intro | Log in |
en | messages | 1 | user_control.description | place adds , take notes , save favorites and more ... |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.login | Log in |
en | messages | 1 | home_page.signup | Sign up |
en | messages | 1 | user_control.activity | My Activities |
en | messages | 1 | user_control.favorites | My Favorites |
en | messages | 1 | user_control.notes | My Notes |
en | messages | 3 | listing.show_seller_phone | Call |
en | messages | 1 | search_results.verified | Verified |
en | messages | 1 | listing.similar.price | Similar Price |
en | messages | 1 | layout.no_listing_photo | No Photo |
en | messages | 41 | M2 | M² |
en | messages | 1 | label.payment_method.installment | Installments |
en | messages | 1 | label.seller_role.agent | Agent |
en | messages | 1 | layout.all | All |
en | messages | 1 | listing.show_phone_message | Please mention Aqarmap when you contact the advertiser to get the best offer. We will also notify the advertiser that you are interested in their ad, and they might contact you in the future. |
en | messages | 1 | label.lead.call_now | Call Now |
en | messages | 1 | listing.seller_email | Send Email |
en | messages | 1 | listing.success_call_request | Your request has been sent successfully. |
en | messages | 1 | listing.share_compound_message | share this compound |
en | messages | 3 | layout.share | Share |
en | messages | 1 | listing.call_for_price | Call for price |
en | messages | 1 | compound_units.title | Compounds Units |
en | messages | 1 | compound_units.primary | For sale - Developer |
en | messages | 1 | compound_units.resale | For sale - Advertisers |
en | messages | 1 | | For rent - Advertisers |
en | messages | 1 | listing.listing_description | Listing Description |
en | messages | 1 | | Map |
en | messages | 1 | listing.show_location | Show Location |
en | messages | 1 | compound_rating.description | Discover compound and developer ratings, expert opinions and follow construction progress to make the right decision |
en | messages | 1 | compound_rating.recommendation | Recommendation |
en | messages | 1 | compound_rating.discover_recommendation | Discover Recommendation |
en | messages | 1 | compound_rating.cta_label | Discover now |
en | messages | 1 | layout.home_egypt | Egypt Real Estate |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%section%" => "Projects" ] |
Properties Projects |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%location%" => Proxies\__CG__\Aqarmap\Bundle\ListingBundle\Entity\CompoundLocation {#6420 +__isInitialized__: true -id: 8 -title: "Giza" -coordinates: null -slug: "giza" -left: 14 -level: 1 -right: 17 -root: 1 -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Aqarmap\Bundle\ListingBundle\Entity\CompoundLocation {#7456 …} -children: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#7453 …} -translations: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#7468 …} -locale: null -activity: 1 -isCompoundLocation: false #listing: null #listings: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#7470 …} #type: 1 #location: null #v4Translations: [] …2 } ] |
Giza Compounds |
en | messages | 2 | listing.seller_phone | Seller Phone |
en | messages | 1 | layout.similar_listings.header_title | More like this listing |
en | messages | 1 | layout.similar_listings.more_results | To get more related results.... |
en | messages | 1 |
[ "%count%" => "ng::similarListingCount::" ] |
We found <span class="text-warning">ng::similarListingCount:: listings similar</span> to this listing. Would you like to contact their owners? |
en | messages | 1 | label.lead.call_request | Request a call |
en | messages | 2 | layout.related_listings.title | Related Listings |
en | messages | 2 | layout.details_button | Details |
en | messages | 1 | registration_survey.title | Why did you not register? |
en | messages | 1 | registration_survey.hard_to_register | It was hard to register |
en | messages | 1 | registration_survey.have_no_email | I don't have an email |
en | messages | 1 | registration_survey.want_no_register | I don't want to register |
en | messages | 1 | registration_survey.share_no_data | I don't want to share my data |
en | messages | 1 | registration_survey.have_password_problem | I have a password issue |
en | messages | 1 | registration_survey.no_time_for_register | I don't have time to register |
en | messages | 1 | label.lead.whatsApp | |
en | messages | 1 | listing.contact_seller_lead | Contact the seller |
en | messages | 1 | layout.static_placeholders.name_placeholder | Full name |
en | messages | 1 | popup_form.enter_name | What is your name ? |
en | messages | 1 | popup_form.last_step | One Last Step, |
en | messages | 1 | popup_form.enter_email | What is your email ? |
en | messages | 1 | popup_form.register_popup_phone_number | English Phone Number |
en | messages | 1 | popup_form.enter_number | Enter your mobile number to contact the seller |
en | messages | 1 | popup_form.submit | Submit |
en | messages | 1 | listing.contact_the_seller | Contact the seller |
en | messages | 1 | layout.feedback_form.rating_title | Advertiser feedback |
en | messages | 1 | layout.feedback_form.header_title | How was your experience with the advertiser? |
en | messages | 1 | | Satisfied |
en | messages | 1 | | Unsatisfied |
en | messages | 1 | | Didn't Contact |
en | messages | 1 | layout.feedback_form.contact_feedback | Contact feedback |
en | messages | 1 | layout.feedback_form.problem_title | What was the problem? |
en | messages | 1 | | No answer / phone off |
en | messages | 1 | | Not professional seller |
en | messages | 1 | | Wrong phone number |
en | messages | 1 | | Property is already sold / rented |
en | messages | 1 | | Wrong price |
en | messages | 1 | | Wrong photos |
en | messages | 1 | | Wrong listing details |
en | messages | 1 | layout.feedback_form.other_message | Other comments |
en | messages | 1 | layout.feedback_form.other_message_placeholder | Feedback here ... |
en | messages | 1 | layout.feedback_form.problem_submit | Send feedback |
en | messages | 1 | problem.problem_help_btn | Need Help? |
en | messages | 1 | layout.aqarmap | Aqarmap |
en | messages | 1 | page_content.about_aqarmap | Aqarmap services allow you to buy or sell a property while providing essential information to help you take one of life’s biggest financial decisions. |
en | messages | 1 | footer.links.about_us | About us |
en | messages | 1 | | Jobs |
en | messages | 1 | | Contact |
en | messages | 1 | footer.links.site_map | Sitemap |
en | messages | 1 | footer.links.terms | Terms |
en | messages | 1 | search_form.addLocation | + Add Location |
en | messages | 1 | search_form.searchPlaceholder | City or Neighborhood or Street name |
Fallback 0
These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.
No fallback translation messages were used.
Missing 3
These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.
Locale | Domain | Times used | Message ID | Message Preview |
en | messages | 1 | Delivered | Delivered |
en | messages | 1 | My Favorites | My Favorites |
en | messages | 1 | My Notes | My Notes |